Next.js 的 Image 组件供了强大的图片优化功能: // components/OptimizedImage.tsx import Image from 'next/image'; import { useState } from 'react'; interface OptimizedImageProps { src: string; alt: string; width: number; height: number; } export function OptimizedImage({ src, alt, width, he...
Link to the code that reproduces this issue codesandbox To Reproduce Follow the example in Load Inter v4 WOFF2 file from or github - latest relea...
// src/app/layout.tsximport{Metadata}from'next';exportconstmetadata:Metadata= {title: {template:'%s | My Next.js App',default:'My Next.js App', },description:'Built with Next.js 14',openGraph: {title:'My Next.js App',description:'Built with Next.js 14',images: ['/og-image.jpg'...
image-HASH.js gzip 4.59 kB 4.58 kB N/A index-HASH.js gzip 268 B 268 B ✓ link-HASH.js gzip 2.35 kB 2.35 kB N/A routerDirect..HASH.js gzip 328 B 328 B ✓ script-HASH.js gzip 397 B 397 B ✓ withRouter-HASH.js gzip 323 B 326 B N/A 1afbb74e6ecf..834.css gzip 106...
Lee Robinson docs: opengraph-image files work with th... 3e7a510 4天前 26905 次提交 提交 取消 .cargo build(pack-next): Add an option for the pack-next script to automate p… 5个月前 .config chore(turbopack): Delete to-resolved-in-loop lint (too low signal) (#74113) ...
Open Graph Images Dynamic social card images (using theOpen Graph protocol) allow you to create a unique image for every page of your site. This is useful when sharing links on the web through social platforms or through text message. ...
使用Next.js 的 next/head 组件进行 SEO 优化,添加元数据和 Open Graph 标签。 用户体验 实现响应式设计,确保应用在不同设备上的表现一致。 使用next/image 组件优化图片加载性能。 6.跨框架集成 微前端架构 设计和实现微前端架构,将不同的应用模块拆分成独立的前端应用,使用 iframe 或模块联邦实现集成。
...下面是一个示例,说明如何使用 next-seo 将元标记添加到 Next.js 页面: import Head from 'next/head' import {SEO, OpenGraph} from...Head 组件中也设置了 title 标签,这是 Next.js 中添加元标签的标准方式。...我们看到了 next-SEO 如何通过提供更具可读性的方法、更少的输入要求以及一些智能功能(...
"openGraph={{title: 'My Next.js App',description: 'This is my Next.js app, it\'s awesome!',url: 'https://',images: [{url: 'https:///og-image.jpg',alt: 'My Next.js App',},],site_name: 'My Next.js App',}}/><OpenGraph...