with-mdbreact with-mdx-remote with-mdx with-mobx-react-lite with-mobx-state-tree-typescript with-mobx-state-tree with-mobx with-mocha with-mongodb-mongoose with-mongodb with-mqtt-js with-msw with-mux-video with-mysql with-neo4j with-netlify-cms with-next-auth with-n...
Community and Ecosystem: React has a large and active community of developers, and it has a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and frameworks that extend its functionality. This includes tools for state management (e.g., Redux, MobX), routing (e.g., React Router), and UI components (e....
github 关于状态管理 为什么需要状态管理? 因为层次深,很不爽 数据和行为分离,是个不错的实践 为什么是mobx,而不是redux或者直接context redux 用好久了,...
React + Next.js + MobX starter by Tomi Mickelsson List of movies The Shawshank Redemptionby Frank Darabont The Godfatherby Francis Ford Coppola The Godfather: Part IIby Francis Ford Coppola The Dark Knightby Christopher Nolan 12 Angry Men by Sidney LumetAdd a new movieSidebar...
Next.js 是一个用于构建 React 应用程序的 React 框架。它的目标是使 React 应用的开发变得更简单、更灵活。下面是一些 Next.js 的关键特性: 服务器渲染 (SSR): Next.js 支持服务器渲染,这意味着页面可以在服务器上生成,然后再发送到浏览器,有助于提高应用程序的性能和搜索引擎优化(SEO)。 静态生成 (Static...
15. 16. 10.总结 Next.js 的环境变量使用指南包括定义环境变量、基本用法、环境变量加载优先级、类型定义、最佳实践、运行时配置、注意事项等。 更详细请参照官网:https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variables
状态管理和全局数据共享:使用Redux、MobX或者React Context等状态管理库来管理全局状态和数据共享,确保B端和C端的数据一致性和实时性。 性能优化和安全防护:对项目进行性能优化,包括代码拆分、懒加载、图片压缩等,同时考虑安全防护措施,如XSS、CSRF等攻击防范。
仓库地址https://gitee.com/jikey/react-admin-cn技术栈为:Dumi, Next:满足SEO前提下动态页面实现 仓库地址https://gitee.com/jikey/react-admin-cn技术栈为:Next, Antd, Ahooks, Bytemd, Tailwindcss Vue3: 后台管理 仓库地址https://gitee.com/jsfront/vue3-tiger-admin技术栈为:Vue3, Arce, VueUse, Un...
A Useful Wrapper for MobX and Firebase Cloud Firestore by wcandillon Oct 18, 2017 #react Access User Location with Permission Handler in Flutter by kcl Sep 05, 2022 #flutter Join HackerNoonLatest technology trends. Customized Experience. Curated Stories. Publish Your Ideas ...