});constonSubmit:SubmitHandler<FormInputs>=(data)=>{constparams={email:data.email,message:data.message};axios.post('/api/send-email',params).then((res)=>console.log(res));};return(<section className="
*/asyncfunctiononSubmit(formData:FormInput){awaitfetch('/api/send',{method:'POST',headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json',},body:JSON.stringify({name:formData.name,email:formData.email,message:formData.message,}),}).then(()=>{// Toast notificationtoast.success('Your email message has been...
Provide a link to your form on social media sites like Instagram, or send it via email or QR code. For increased visibility, Jotform also provides embed codes to embed your forms directly in your own website! Track and manage submissions With Jotform, you can effortlessly track and manage...
在WEB-INF下创建一个lib目录,将所需要的本地jar包导入 然后在创建的maven项目中加入配置: <plugin> ...
Finally, send the database schema to your database using pnpm mysql:push or pnpm pg:push. Run, Stop, Build: Use pnpm dev to run the app (visit http://localhost:3000 to check it). Stop it by focusing on the console and pressing Ctrl+C. After making changes, build the app using ...
Formspree allows your users to contact you and send you messages directly from your site, with anti-spam protection. Simply create a free basic account, read the docs and get the key from your formspree account and then replace the key with your own here, in components/formspree/index.tsx ...
而不是做res.status(...)尝试执行return res.status(...);您正在尝试发送响应两次,因此出现此错...
Next.JS developmentHeadless CMS developmentHeadless eCommerce developmentNext.JS performance auditMigrationAI integration 5-10k10-50k50-100k100k+ urgent1-2 weekswithin a monththis quarternext quarterflexible Send message Don't want to fill out the form? Then contact us by email[email protected]...
Next.JS developmentHeadless CMS developmentHeadless eCommerce developmentNext.JS performance auditMigrationAI integration 5-10k10-50k50-100k100k+ urgent1-2 weekswithin a monththis quarternext quarterflexible Send message Don't want to fill out the form? Then contact us by email[email protected]...
Great, we’ve defined our form validation! Let’s go over the fields we’re asking for and what they mean: fullName: A required string companyEmail: A required string that should be an email address phoneNumber: A string that should be a minimum of seven characters and a maximum of 12...