// pages/api/speckle-callback.tsimport{ exchangeAccessCode }from'@/lib/lib';import{NextResponse}from"next/server";exportdefaultasyncfunctionhandler(req: Request) {constrequestUrl =newURL(req.url);constcode = requestUrl.searchParams.get("access_code");if(!code ||typeofcode !=='string') {...
Calling an endpoint: Using the received and verifiable access token to call the API endpoint The process of authenticating, generating, verifying, and securely handling Access Tokens is a daunting and time-consuming task where a mistake can compromise the data and safety of your systems, so it ...
GET/200in48ms✓Compiled/fetch-cachein117msGET/fetch-cache200in165ms│GEThttps://api.vercel.app/products/1200in14ms(cache:HIT)✓Compiled/fetch-no-storein150msGET/fetch-no-store200in548ms│GEThttps://api.vercel.app/products/1200in345ms(cache:SKIP)││Cachemissedreason:(cache:no-store) T...
So, if my access-token cookie expires, i need to call my api (this is whereproblemshows up) using this endpoint (/access-token) that generates the new token, and sets the cookie, but, if i'm calling this endpoint in a server componentthe cookie won't be set in my browser, and i...
Next.js 也会集成React Compiler, 它是 React 团队一直在研究的一个优化工具,它可以分析 React 组件代码,自动帮我们增加useMemo和useCallback来优化组件渲染。不过现在它还在实验性的阶段。 去掉默认的缓存机制 Next.js 14 为了提高系统的效率,增加了三种缓存机制 ...
tRPC(TypeScript Remote Procedure Call) 是一个用于构建全栈类型安全应用的库,旨在使前端和后端共享相同的类型定义,从而确保类型安全和一致性。它通过以下几个关键特性实现全栈类型安全: 1. 单一代码库中的类型共享 tRPC 允许在前端和后端之间共享相同的 TypeScript 类型定义。通过在一个代码库中定义这些类型,前端和后...
next简介Next.js是一个轻量级的 React 服务端渲染应用框架next特点 默认情况下由服务器呈现 自动代码拆分可加快页面加载速度 ...我们导入并使用 useRouter 函数,next/router 函数将返回Next.jsrouter 对象. ...获取远程数据 实际上,我们通常需要从远程数据源获取数据.Next.js自己有标准 API 来获取页面数据.我们通常...
Since Next.js needs some time to be ready on the first launch, you must declare your routes inside theaftercallback, after you registered the plugin. The plugin will expose thenextAPI in Fastify that will handle the rendering for you. ...
Hi @CooperCodeComposer Apologies I'm a bit lost with your set up. So you are using IAM role to authentication, does that mean this GraphQL API call is not tight to a specific user session (i.e. doesn't depend on the auth tokens for a specific user)? cwomack added the pending-resp...
。 Next.js是一个流行的React框架,用于构建现代化的Web应用程序。在Next.js中使用环境变量可以帮助我们在不同的环境中配置和管理应用程序的设置和敏感信息。 当在Next.js中使用...