win10的WSL不能跟随系统启动,需要手动添加启动脚本 新建一个文本文件,改名为wslstartup.bat,里面写入如下内容 powershell.exe-WindowStyleHidden-c"bash / " 打开运行,输入shell:startup回车,打开windows启动文件夹,将创建的批处理脚本移动进去 在WSL命令行下,创建init文件,写入以下内容,123456替换为你的密码 ...
winsw配置文件有误,应为: “ <configuration> <!-- ID of the service. It should be unique accross the Windows system--> <id>FRPC</id> <!-- Display name of the service --> <name>frpc client (powered by WinSW)</name> <!-- Service description --> <description>内网穿透工具</descriptio...
1)、下载-浏览器访问,点击Download for Windows按钮下载docker desktop安装文件 2)、安装 双击“Docker Desktop Installer.exe”安装docker desktop,选择 “Install required Windows components forWSL2”和“Add shortcut to desktop” 2个功能复选框 windows 10专业版...
改成 client_max_body_size 512M;location / {proxy_pass http://【容器“nextcloud”的IP,使用docker inspect nextcloud查看】/;} 512M是传输文件大小的上限,默认是1M,传个照片都可能失败。 再复制回去 docker cpC:\XXX\default.confnginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf 在Docker Desktop中重启一下容器“ng...
Nextcloud Client asks for login over and over (windows 10)💻 Desktop Since several months (I think I remember that some new login mechanism was introduced) I have the problem that the nextcloud clients on all machines that use it with my nextcloud keep asking for login credentials regularly ...
When updating the existing Nextcloud client on Windows 10 PC it will prompt for the update. During update, it will ask to close explorer, or you must restart PC. I let it close explorer automatically. Install finishes, requires reboot anyway. After several attempts at getting around this, inc...
Follow the steps below to get an app password that can be used with the Calendar client app: Log into Nextcloud. Click on your user icon, then click on "Settings". Click on "Security", then locate a button labeled "Create new app password". Next to this button, enter "Windows 10 ...
Nextcloud跨平台支持微软 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 的客户端应用程序,以及适用于 Android 和 apple iOS 操作系统的移动客户端下载地址。 Nextcloud文件提供了一个内置的,具有强大的协作分享功能和桌面、移动和web界面以及WebDAV形式访问。 Nextcloud群件集成了和其他生产力特性,帮助团队更快、更容易地按照您的条件完成工作...
I have exactly the same behavior : versions 3.6.4 and 3.6.3 (64-bit) client on Windows 10 hangs, with one logical CPU core to 100%, as soon as there are files to synchronize from client folder to server.Without any file changes to sync, client runs normally....
nextcloud.mysql-client nextcloud.mysqldump 5.模块管理 nextcloud.occ 基础设置:使用SSL证书加密Nextcloud,执行以下命令可以从申请证书,申请成功后将重启容器内的Apache实例以立即实施SSL 方式1:let's加密SSL nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt Have you met these requirements? (y/n) y ...