Next47’s insight, advice, and connections have helped drive substantial success and growth of our enterprise business. Their long-term outlook makes them excellent counsel, and our board member from Next47 has been my first call in many critical moments. –Adam Bry, Co-Founder & CEO, Skydio...
Next47 最近募集了一只总额为6亿美元的新基金,旨在继续其投资变革性技术的战略。这些资金被部署在各个阶段,从种子轮到成长期,其中相当一部分用于已投项目的后续追加投资。 投资策略和理念 Next47 的投资策略以深度承诺为特征,旨在识别和捕捉有潜力改变行业的创新技术项目。主要关注领域包括: - 工业自动化: 投资于提高...
Next47 is a venture capital firm, founded in 2016, and based in Palo Alto, California. The firm has additional offices in Berlin, Tel Aviv, London, and Munich, and seeks to invest in companies operating in the software-as-a-service, information technology, artificial intelligence, and enterpr...
Next47 VC 关注(-1)追踪笔记完善信息 介绍 Next47是一家由西门子支持的全球风险投资公司。致力于同人工智能,增强和虚拟现实,网络安全,自动驾驶,物联网,机器人技术和先进制造等深度技术领域的初创公司合作。 关注领域 硬件企业服务汽车交通人工智能物联网智能制造 投资轮次 天使轮(1家,...
Next47 is a venture firm that focuses on investing in early and expansion-stage companies within the technology sector. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Next47's full profile.
next47 Standard presentation Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016 In the digital age, the drivers of innovation are changing… In the 21st century, innovation will come from a more flexible environment Today, innovation requires: - Rapid prototyping - Decentralized networks and ...
西门子成立独立业务部门next47 专注初创企业 西门子将于2016年10月1日起成立一个独立的业务部门,致力于积极培育颠覆性的创新想法并加速新技术的发展。 西门子将该部门命名为“next47”,源于西门子成立于1847年。next47将整合西门子目前的初创企业项目,将灵活性、快速和独立性与公司的全球客户基础、多年经验、信誉以及...
2016 年 10 月,( )成立独立业务部门“ next47 ”,专注人工智能等创新领域研究。 A. 西门子 B. 百度 C. 滴滴出行 D. 海康威视