1) next-nearest-neighbor interaction 次近邻相互作用 2) anharmonic second neighbor interactions 非谐次近邻相互作用 3) non-nearest neighbor interaction 次邻近位的相互作用 4) Nearest neighbor interacting 最近邻相互作用 5) limited distance neighbored chains ...
Effects of next-nearest-neighbor interactions on the dynamics of random quantum Ising model次近邻作用对随机量子Ising系统动力学性质的影响随机量子Ising模型递推关系方法自关联函数谱密度利用递推关系方法在高温极限下研究了具有次近邻自旋耦合相互作用的一维随机量子Ising系统的动力学性质,求解了系统的自关联函数及谱...
1)next-nearest-neighbor hopping次近邻电子跳跃 1.On the basis of BBV model, we considered the effects ofnext-nearest-neighbor hoppingon the energy structure, the lattice configuration and the charge density of the positive and negative solitons in pernigranine-base polymer.本文从BBV模型出发并加以修...
2) next-nearest-neighbor interaction 次近邻相互作用3) neighbor interaction 近邻作用 1. Soliton solutions in the one-dimensional ferromagnetic chains with n-neighbor interactions are studied. 利用行波解法,研究了在次近邻作用影响下的一维铁磁链,得出其孤子解以及孤子的相应的特征量—峰宽、峰值、能量等...
1) next-nearest-neighbor hopping 次近邻耦合 1. Thenext-nearest-neighbor hoppingis considered into a Bose-Hubbard model. 在玻色-哈伯德模型中考虑了次近邻耦合效应,利用平均场理论和微扰论讨论了次近邻耦合对光学晶格中 Mott绝缘相相图的影响。 2) first-order approximation method ...
1. New Complex Network Model Based on Diffusion Aggregation with Next-Nearest Neighbor Growth Mechanism and Its Analysis; 基于次近邻扩散聚集生长的复杂网络及其分析2. In this paper,a new complex network model based on diffusion aggregation with next-nearest neighbor growth mechanism in Sierpinski ...
Effects of next-nearest-neighbor interactions on the orientation dependence of step stiffness: Reconciling theory with experiment for Cu(001), Phys - Stasevich, Einstein, et al.Stasevich, T. J.; Einstein, T. L.; Zia, R. K. P.; Giesen, M.; Ibach, H.; Salzma, F. Effects of Next...
We investigate a fully frustrated XY model with nearest-neighbor (NN) and next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) couplings which can be realized in Josephson junction arrays. We study the phase diagram for 0<=x<=1 (x is the ratio between NNN and NN couplings). When x<1/2 an Ising transition and...
We investigate the topological phase transitions on the square-octagon lattice with an intrinsic spin-orbit coupling and an additional real next-nearest-neighbor hopping. We study the evolution of the band structure under the next-nearest-neighbor hopping parameters. Based on the spin Chern numbers,...
Stabilization and enhancement of traffic flow by the next-nearest-neighbor interaction The car-following model of traffic is extended to take into account the car interaction before the next car ahead (the next-nearest-neighbor interaction). ... Nagatani,Takashi - 《Physical Review E Statistical Ph...