4 + export const {Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter} = 5 + createLocalizedPathnamesNavigation({ 6 + locales, 7 + pathnames, 8 + localePrefix 9 + }); tailwind.config.tsCopy file name to clipboardexpand all lines: tailwind.config.ts +30-16 Original file line numberDi...
I can do ausePathname()using"next/navigation"and anotherusePathname()using"@/i18n/routing"and subtract between the two. But that really feels like a hack.
in _app.tsx I've wrapped as follows. <NextIntlClientProvider locale={router.locale} messages={pageProps.messages} timeZone='UTC' > <Component {...pageProps} key={router.pathname} /> </NextIntlClientProvider> I'm injecting messages into each page with: export async function getStaticProps...
For clarification I use Next.js v13.4.0 and next-intl@3.0.0-beta.16 I set German and English as locales and English as default. On German it works fine but I could not switch over to English. It throws th error NEXT_NOT_FOUND indicating that this locale does not exist. next.config ...
'use client';import {useRouter} from'next-intl/client';exportdefaultfunctionOrderBySelect({orderBy, children}) {const router = useRouter();functiononChange(event) {// The `useRouter` hook from `next-intl` automatically// considers a potential locale prefix of the pathname. router.replace(...
export const { Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter } = createSharedPathnamesNavigation({ locales, localePrefix }); 2、[locale]目录 app目录中的页面文件全部放到[locale]目录中。 3、中间件:middleware.js 说明: 实现以下样式的URL 默认语言的URL: ...
supported locales: SUPPORTED_LOCALES, // Used when no locale matches defaultLocale: DEFAULT_LOCALE, }) // Lightweight wrappers around Next.js' navigation APIs // that will consider the routing configuration export const { Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter, getPathname } = createNavigation(...
test usePathname with custom prefix 177528c strictly typed return type for usePathname 43a0b12 more tests for link 4e6f19d more tests for link 5f01ba4 Merge branch 'canary' into feat/create-navigation 9775157 Basic useRouter implementation 45bc9fc Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin...