the number of MPs by 50 and for switching to the "alternative vote" system for Westminster, if voters back the idea.The clause allows that referendum to be staged alongside elections to the Welsh Assembly, the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and local elections across England....
Still, I wouldn’t begin to predict where the vote will eventually go in an election that may take place before the year is over. Polls pitting Corbyn against Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson don’t tell the entire story. The election is not over who will be prime minister, but over wh...
Michael Gove, a Scottish fresher in 1985, told Johnson’s biographer Andrew Gimson: “The first time I saw him was in the Union bar . . . He seemed like a kindly, Oxford character, but he was really there like a great basking shark waiting for freshers to swim towards him.”...
Lessons from the 2007 Scottish Parliament election When Scots are simply asked whether they support or oppose' independence' plenty of polls find that over half do so. But it is not clear what people understand by 'independence' when asked about it in this way-whether They mean ... J ...