SCN5A, the sodium channel (voltage-gated) type V alpha subunit, includes variants with Fstvalues less than 0.14. However, the rate of cardiovascular disease (CVD), aSCN5A-related pathological phenotype, is likely related to ethnicity49,54,55. For instance, the prevalence of CVD is higher in...
The authors declare no conflict of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the re...
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results. References 1. Shen, X.; Liu, H...
Integration of Price-Based Demand Response in DisCos' Short-Term Decision Model. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 2014, 5, 2235–2245. [CrossRef] 53. Palma-Behnke, R.; Vargas, L.S.; Jofré, A. A Distribution Company Energy Acquisition Market Model with Integration of Distributed Generation and Load...
As a result, the convergence layer prevents these catastrophic situations by controlling the frame delivery rate. Although some motion-tracking information cannot be delivered, depending on the decision of the convergence layer, the convergence layer still provides motion-tracking information to the VR ...
Such direct control can leverage the real-time interaction between the real physical world and the sensing and data computation components toward better decision making. We propose to employ a cyber-physical system (CPS) modeling and system development approach for such real-time controls. The CPS ...
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SAClRteTr-nIaIItitvoetlhye, rPeMce,nwt heivcihdeinnctuersnurgegsueslts itnhat reccrounitiecdalTsSpGir1a0l 1aisnsedmucbelys t(rbaundsdloicnagtiionnitoiaftoErS)C, RanTd-IIfIintoaltlhyeVPpMs4, wAhTiPchasienctounrsntrriecstiuolnts oinf cthoenircianlgspoifral assEeSmCbRlyT-(IbIIusdpd...