Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary competitors battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier.
The next season ofApex Legendsis fast approaching. After weeks of teasers and leaks, Respawn is finally giving us our first proper look at the new legend, Alter, in a cinematic scheduled to drop tomorrow at 10am CT. Recommended Videos There isn’t a lot to glean from the thumbnail alone,...
It's that time in the Apex Legends calendar once more where teasers for the next season begin to drop—starting with a look at our rebellious next Legend, Mad Maggie.Introduced a whole year
In what could either be a clever tease or an inadvertent mistake,jump pads are starting to appearacross Kings Canyon inApex Legends, particularly in the Market area of the map. This has led many users on Reddit to speculate that the next legend, thought to be Octane, will arrive in the...
Since all these recon legends are coming into play to track down legends a incognito legend would go perfect for season 11 preview a legend that
Seer, previously known as Prophet in older game’s files, is tagged as a Scout Sniper, making her the first sniper class legend potentially coming to Kings Canyon. For players tired of getting picked off from the high ground in this Longbow meta, Seer will definitely further your frustrations...
Apex Legends on the Switch will also launch with the latest season – Mayhem – which went live earlier this week, adding its 16th new Legend Fuse to the Apex Games, as well as a dramatically changed Kings Canyon map. Get an early look at it with the Apex Legends season 8 trailer. ...
Apex Legends' next legend probably isn't dropping until Season 2 drops which is likely going to happen next month. The question is: what type of character will Respawn Entertainment add to the PS4 Xbox One and PC battle royale game? Well some
Build Your Crew: Choose your Legend and combine their unique skills together with other players to form the ultimate crew. Cross-play: Squad up with friends on other platforms, drop into the arena, and become Apex champions together. Strategic Battle Royale: Use your abilities--and your wits-...
As I viewed this trailer, I took notes about the possible pros and con(s) for this new legend. First I noticed how much he looks like Walter White from Breaking Bad... with hair. This is a PRO in my book. Walter was a decent man until he had the whole mid-life crisis. He has...