本教程介绍如何利用对 Next.js 功能(例如服务器端呈现 (SSR) 和 API 路由)的支持将Next.js网站部署到Azure Static Web Apps。 备注 Next.js 混合支持为预览版。 先决条件 资源说明 Azure帐户如果没有一个订阅处于活动状态的 Azure 帐户,可以免费创建一个。
Next.js support on Azure Static Web Apps can be categorized as two deployment models: Hybrid: Hybrid Next.js sites, which includes support for all Next.js features such as theApp Router, thePages RouterandReact Server Components Static: Static Next.js sites, which use theStatic HTML Exportopt...
加入Azure Static Web 应用 团队,指导你完成到 Azure 上的云的第一个部署。 在此视频中,他们将使用 Azure Static Web 应用部署和配置Next.js网站,包括设置自定义域、添加后端、添加安全性、管理流量和设置多个环境。 章节 00:09 - 简介 03:41 - 入门,Next.js ...
API Routes, advanced image compression, and Next.js Auth. In this post, we want to highlight three features that make building Next.js apps on Azure more
在cna-nextjs-app 边栏选项卡上,在垂直菜单的“管理”部分中选择“API 权限”。 在“cna-nextjs-app | API 权限”边栏选项卡上,选择“+ 添加权限”,在“请求 API 权限”边栏选项卡上,选择“我的组织使用的 API”选项卡,在搜索文本框中输入“Azure OSSRDBMS 数据库”,然后在结果列表中选...
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An azd (Azure Developer CLI) template for getting a Next.js app running on Azure Container Apps with CDN and Application Insights.The Next.js app included with the template has been generated with create-next-app and has some additional code and components specific to this template that ...
An azd (Azure Developer CLI) template for getting a Next.js app running on Azure Container Apps with CDN and Application Insights.The Next.js app included with the template has been generated with create-next-app and has some additional code and components specific to this template that ...
NextJs 中使用Next-Auth NextJs 中使用Next-Auth 本篇讨论的范畴是Azureb2c 做为provider, token的类型是jwt token.我们讨论在Azureb2c 认证完后,由Next-Auth 负责认证的过程。 Basic Concept Token 这个就是cookie,它的名字是非https是next-auth.session-token,如果是https则是__Secure-next-auth.session-token,...