在本教學課程中,您將了解如何使用針對 React Server 元件、伺服器端轉譯 (SSR) 和 API 路由等 Next.js 功能的支援,將Next.js網站部署至Azure Static Web Apps。 注意 Next.js 混合式支援處於預覽。 必要條件 資源描述 Azure帳戶如果您沒有具有作用中訂用帳戶的 Azure 帳戶,您可以免費建立帳戶。
本教程介绍如何利用对 Next.js 功能(例如服务器端呈现 (SSR) 和 API 路由)的支持将Next.js网站部署到Azure Static Web Apps。 备注 Next.js 混合支持为预览版。 先决条件 资源说明 Azure帐户如果没有一个订阅处于活动状态的 Azure 帐户,可以免费创建一个。
本教程介绍如何利用对 Next.js 功能(例如服务器端呈现 (SSR) 和 API 路由)的支持将Next.js网站部署到Azure Static Web Apps。 备注 Next.js 混合支持为预览版。 先决条件 资源说明 Azure帐户如果没有一个订阅处于活动状态的 Azure 帐户,可以免费创建一个。
從Node.js 命令提示字元,執行下列命令以複製 GitHub 存放庫,其中包含將在此練習中使用的範例 Next.js 應用程式程式碼: Azure CLI 複製 git clone https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-cloud-native-apps.git 執行下列命令,以切換至裝載 GitHub 存放庫複製品的目錄: Azure CLI...
为了使你的Next.js应用成为PWA,你需要安装一些额外的依赖, 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 npm install next-pwa 在你的Next.js项目中,使用上next-pwa插件,我们只修要将下面的代码贴入到里面即可。 代码语言:javascript
Teams running Next.js projects on Netlify have access to The latest framework features + Netlify platform primitives Powerful tools for scaling high-impact experiences Built-in Next.js support Ship Next.js websites, ecommerce stores, and web apps with the platform built for the modern developer....
Initially Next.js won't automatically add in
The Next.js adapter allows you to run the Amplify library inside an “Amplify Server Context”, which offers you a secure way to use the Amplify library functionality in the cloud. Once the functionality of Amplify finishes running, the context is completely destroyed, which eliminates any cross...
Monitoring a Next.js app for performance regressions, loading speed, and errors helps you be confident your app is providing the best possible experience. Real user monitoring is a best practice for apps looking to optimize their user experience. ...
Although this is not recommended as it doesn't work well for multiple stages. Alternatively you could use S3 to store the .serverless files, see an example here, here (uses multiple serverless.yml files), or here (GitHub Actions-based, uses multiple serverless.yml files). You can also use...