目前(2021/1/2)React Hooks 仍然不是完全形态,componentDidCatch、getSnapshotBeforeUpdate、getDerivedStateFromError等特性还不健全,具体见Do Hooks cover all use cases for classes? 也就是说,时至今日,React Components 仍等价于 Class Components,早期的函...
给返回值添上 revalidate 属性exportasyncfunctiongetStaticProps(context){return{props:{},// will be passed to the page component as props// Next.js will attempt to re-generate the page:// - When a request comes in// - At most once
Lazy load images using next/image Next.js has a built-in component named next/image. It loads images only when they are in the viewport. import Image from "next/image"; const Index = () => { return ( <> External domains must be configured in <Code>next.config.js</Code> using ...
GitHub:https://github.com/loktar00/react-lazy-load 3. react-lazy-load-image-component react-lazy-load-image-component 是一个易于使用的库,用于延迟加载任何类型的组件。它支持 IntersectionObserver,可以确定元素何时离开和进入视口。其特点如下: 这个库最重要的特性是它的 HOC,trackWindowScroll,它允许组件跟...
Every time we load a blog post we are going to have all this code transferred to the client. Which is not ideal.One fix would be to look for a library with a smaller size, as Moment.js is not known for being lightweight (especially out of the box with all the locales included), ...
众所周知 Next.js 是 React 官方主推的开发框架,也是目前唯一支持 React Server Component 的框架,React 生态的明星开发者很多都已经加入了其所在公司 Vercel。我觉得虽然不能说 Next 完全控制了 React,但从一定程度上来说 Next 就代表了 React 的未来。这也引来的很多争议,最大的吐槽就是PHP 回来了之类的言论,...
2. react-lazy-load 用于以可预测的方式延迟加载内容,具有最小的包大小。GitHub: github.com/loktar00/rea...3. react-lazy-load-image-component 易于使用,支持 IntersectionObserver,可确定元素何时离开和进入视口。Github: github.com/Aljullu/reac...4. react-lazy-images 提供灵活的组件和...
import { appWithTranslation } from 'next-i18next' import nextI18NextConfig from '../next-i18next.config.js' const MyApp = ({ Component, pageProps }) => ( <Component {...pageProps} /> ) export default appWithTranslation(MyApp, nextI18NextConfig) import { serverSideTranslations } from '...
@CaptainNin the docs:https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loading#importing-server-componentsthe example they gave is that of a client component, which can be delivered using a separate bundle if imported withdynamic. For me, that also didn't work and similar ...
Notice in the block below we are using Next.js'sImage componentinstead of a good ol'imgtag. The former is actually an extension of the latter. It allows automatic image optimization, lazy loading by default, and providing images inWebPwhen the browser allows it, which optimizes images to ...