And we've got upload and playback. Nice! What's next? You canintegrate with your CMS. You canoptimize your loading experience. Or get started with an example project below: Example projects Moderate video contentRemix.js Mux Developer ConsoleBETA ...
In this culminating course in the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Specialization, you will apply the skills you have acquired across the previous six courses to address a realistic patient safety issue confronting Mercy Grace, a 500-bed urban hosp
Another early simple example with p5js I do know that I am a very creative person, but so far my only real avenue of expression has been writing, and that has its limitations. An image can evoke an instant emotional impact and provide a visual sensorial pleasure that words cannot. My pla...
The Generative AI Fundamentals Specialization offered by IBM on Coursera is a five-course program designed for beginners, providing a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts, models, tools, and applications that make up this revolutionary field. You will dive into the core ...
2013年2月,新加坡国立大学与美国公司Coursera合作,加入大型开放式网络课程平台。除了可通过网络平台把国大的特色课程面向国际,校方也计划让学生最早从2013年8月起,利用平台修读各种课程。 大型开放式网络课程(massive open online coursesas,简称MOOC)在2012年日益受到瞩目。以Coursera为例,这家公司原本已和包括美国哥伦比...
Web3.js 官方文档 - 另一种用于智能合约交互的库。 Viem - 最新的智能合约交库。 Wagmi - 提供 React Hooks 风格 API 的智能合约交互库。 RainbowKit - 用于构建 Web3 钱包连接界面的库,支持 React。 书籍 以下是一些推荐的区块链和 Web3 相关书籍: 精通比特币 - 对比特币深入讲解的书籍。 精通以太坊 ...