Authentication for Next.js Open Source. Full Stack. Own Your Data. Overview NextAuth.js is a complete open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. It is designed from the ground up to support Next.js and Serverless. This is a monorepo containing the following packages / proje...
Experimenting with Next.js and DevOps integration - with use of TailwindCSS and Jest/React-Testing-Library to get hands on with a utility based CSS framework and Unit tests. - Ajsalemo/NextJSFrontEnd
docker build --build-argENV=dev -t domain/frontend:test-v0.1. 完整的Dockerfile配置如下: FROMnode:16-alpine as buildARGENVRUNnpm configsetregistry \ && npm i npm -gWORKDIR/appCOPYpackage.json package-lock.json ./RUNnpm installCOPY. .RUNnpm run${ENV}FROMn...
4. 将pages下的index.js更改:增加了linkPrefix和link中的as importReact,{Fragment}from'react';importLinkfrom'next/link';importHeadfrom'@/components/Head';import'./index.less';import{Button}from'antd';importgetConfigfrom'next-server/config';const{linkPrefix}=getConfig().publicRuntimeConfig;constHome...
Next.js 是一个轻量级的 React 服务端渲染应用框架。 官网:nextjs.org中文官网 当使用 React 开发系统的时候,常常需要配置很多繁琐的参数,如 Webpack 配置、Router 配置和服务器配置等。如果需要做 SEO,要考虑的事情就更多了,怎么让服务端渲染和客户端渲染保持一致是一件很麻烦的事情,需要引...
To containerize your Next.js project using Docker, you can create a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml. Here's how to set it up:1. Create a Dockerfile In the root of your project, create a Dockerfile. Here's an example:# Stage 1: Build Stage FROM node:18-alpine AS builder # ...
Next.js 团队还将继续关注性能的改进,他将其称之为“我们的持续投资”。 他补充到,在新的一年里,这很可能会以新编译器的形式出现,它将加快在开发人员的机器上启动 Next.js 的速度。该编译器相关的工作已经进行了大约一年的时间,Vercel 一直在其内部产品和应用中使用它。他说,这个使用 Rust 编写的编译器即便在...
lqsblog-frontend-nextjs 它(Github、Gitee)是一个PC端、WAP端自适应展示的一个前端网站前台,它基于nextjs结合lqsblog-frontend-foreground-template模板实现。 功能 - 首页 -- 最新推荐 -- 随笔作品列表 -- 友情链接 - 关于 - 随笔 - 作品 - 专题
While Next.js helps present your content on the frontend, NGINX delivers those important resources from the backend. Leveraging A/B testing to create tailored user experiences You can customize your client-side code to change your app’s appearance, and ultimately the end-user experience. This co...
OpenAI for Next.js Github|NPM|Demo|Docs Adds hooks and components for working with OpenAI streams. Installation nextjs-openaiincludes frontend tools, andopenai-streamsincludes tools for working with OpenAI streams in your API Routes. yarn add nextjs-openai openai-streams#-or-npm i --save nextjs...