next/script可以帮助我们来决定 js 脚本加载的时机 <Script strategy="lazyOnload" src="//" /> 4. next/image 优化图片资源 next/image可帮助我们对图片进行压缩(尺寸 or 质量),且支持图片懒加载,默认 loader 依赖 nextjs 内置服务,也可以通过{loader: custom}自定义loader import...
<Script strategy="lazyOnload" src="//" /> ``` 4. next/image 优化图片资源 next/image可帮助我们对图片进行压缩(尺寸 or 质量),且支持图片懒加载,默认 loader 依赖 nextjs 内置服务,也可以通过{loader: custom}自定义 loader import Image from "next/image"; const myLoader...
```html<Scriptstrategy="lazyOnload"src="//"/>``` 4. next/image 优化图片资源 next/image可帮助我们对图片进行压缩(尺寸 or 质量),且支持图片懒加载,默认 loader 依赖 nextjs 内置服务,也可以通过{loader: custom}自定义 loader importImagefrom"next/image";constmyLoader= (...
<Scriptstrategy="lazyOnload"src="//"/> 4. next/image 优化图片资源 next/image可帮助我们对图片进行压缩(尺寸 or 质量),且支持图片懒加载,默认 loader 依赖 nextjs 内置服务,也可以通过{loader: custom}自定义loader importImagefrom'next/image'constmyLoader =({ src, width, ...
6、image组件 当没有设置宽高时,image组件的默认宽度是320px,高度是240px。 //index.wxml <image lazy-load mode="aspectFill" src="url"></image >//懒加载 保持横纵比 只保证短边能完全显示出来 1. 2. 7、选择图片 //index.js wx.chooseImage({ count:1,//可以选择多少张图片 sizeType:['original...
//html<Scriptstrategy="lazyOnload"src="//"/> 4. next/image 优化图片资源 next/image可帮助我们对图片进行压缩(尺寸 or 质量),且支持图片懒加载,默认 loader 依赖 nextjs 内置服务,也可以通过{loader: custom}自定义 loader ...
import React from 'react'; import MyImage from './images/my-image.jpg?trace'; export default () => ( {/* <-- SVG trace */} {/* <-- Normal image which you want to lazy load */} ); /** * Results in: * * * * * */require('./images/my-image.jpg?trace...
Have you tried theeagerprop to load the image immediately instead of lazy-loaded? Have you tried thepriorityprop to preload the image as fast as possible? <NextImage>is FAR from perfect, there are plenty of issues with styling them right now and it's entirely possibleit only supports Vercel...
React Lazy Load Component // 用法示例 <LazyLoadheight={683}offsetTop={200}> </LazyLoad> // 第三阶段:默认提供最佳实践 next/image // 用法示例 <Image src="/me.png" alt="Picture of the author" layout="fill" /> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
Script component make it easier to load third-party scripts fast and effciently importScriptfrom"next/script";<Scriptsrc="https://.../script.js"strategy="lazyOnload"/>; but what strategy should we use ? import{GoogleTagManager,sendGTMEvent,YouTubeEmbed,GoogleMapsEmbed,}from"@next/third-part...