Businessmap Buy Me A Coffee (Independent Publisher) Byword (Independent Publisher) Calculate Working Day Calendar Pro Calendarific (Independent Publisher) Calendly Calendly (legacy) Campfire CandidateZip Resume/Job Parser Capsule CRM Captisa Forms Carbon Intensity (Independent Publisher) CarbonFootprint (...
Update or createnext.config.jswith constwithPWA=require("@imbios/next-pwa")({dest:"public",});module.exports=withPWA({// next.js config}); After runningnext build, this will generate two files in yourpublic:workbox-*.jsandsw.js, which will automatically be served statically. ...
Service Linker Service Map Service Networking SignalR Sphere SQL SQL Virtual Machine Standby Pool Storage Stream Analytics Subscriptions Support Synapse Tables Traffic Manager Video Search Visual Search Visual Studio VMware Solution by CloudSimple Voice Services Web PubSub Web Search Workloads OtherLearn...
Auto map optimizePackageImports to transpilePackages for pages: #63537 Add Next.js version to process title: #63686 generate the same next/font modules for the same options: #63513 feat(log): improve dev/build logs: #62946 Update font data: #63691 Polish dev-overlay text styling: #6372...
updatedAt DateTime @default(now()) @map(name: "updated_at") cid String catagory Category @relation(fields: [cid], references: [id]) @@map(name: "link") } 其中DATABASE_URL为远程数据库地址,这里我使用的是PlantScale的MySQL。当然你也可以使用Supabase的PostgreSQL或者其他数据库,创建.env文件,填入...
(use"git add <file>..."to update what will be committed) (use"git restore <file>..."to discard changesinworking directory) modified: package.json Untracked files: (use"git add <file>..."to includeinwhat will be committed) .npmrc ...
18, the further back the position is, the smaller the value of the MAP@k is, which leads to slower and slower growth. 5.3 Hyper-Parameters Sensitivity Analyses We explore the impact of different hyper-parameter values on the performance of the SSTP model, and two important parameters are ...
At the recent Hybris Global Partner Summit in Munich, hybris-as-a-service (yaaS) was introduced as a modern commerce platform based on microservices (it is now in beta ). I’ve blogged about YaaS in the past in conjunction with SAP’s PaaS – HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) – and its evo...
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt @map(name: "updated_at") posts Post[] @@map(name: "users") } Prisma 是通过 model 来定义表结构,比如上面就是建了一个 Post 表和一个 User 表,然后这两个表通过 User 中的 posts 和 Post 中的 author 建立了一个一对多的表关系。
from keras_cv_attention_models import visualizing, test_images, resnest mm = resnest.ResNest50() img = superimposed_img, heatmap, preds = visualizing.make_and_apply_gradcam_heatmap(mm, img, layer_name="auto") plot_attention_score_maps is model attention score maps visua...