Next Generation School News & Events Play Previous Early Education Infant to Age 2 Early Education Infant to Age 2 1201 W. Windsor Road | Champaign, IL 61821 |217.356.6398 Preschool Ages 3 to 5 Preschool Ages 3 to 5 2508 Galen Drive | Champaign, IL 61821 |217.353.5325 ...
Middle School Next Generation Science Standards According to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), students entering middle school should already possess fundamental knowledge of the core disciplines defined by NGSS: life sciences, physical sciences, earth and space sciences; and engineering, techn...
FAN, Adrienne S
Tutoring and Coaching Services: Individually scheduled, one-on-one sessions are offered to students throughout the entire year. Coaches provide support for both high school and college level coursework, as well as support in the development of executive functioning skills. Summer in the City (3 th...
Shanghai Puxi was a wonderful celebration and, as always, a poignant reminder of why we dedicate ourselves to educating the next generation. As we bid farewell to another group of young people, we are humbled, as alway...
Leadership Preparing Students for Life After High School Contact EMPOWERING STUDENTS WITH OUR BRANDS Leadership LEADING COLLEGE PLANNING RESOURCES Articles, Blog, Magazines, College Search, Scholarships, and STEM NEW IDEAS FOR A NEW GENERATION Spotting trends in Health, Fitness, diet, Fashion, Technology...
Encouraging the new generation to stimulate thinking and express themselves. In Dr. Koong's journey in English language education, there are two education giants she respectfully refers to as "trailblazers."Firstly, there is Don...
The total tap syllabus – a programme for the next generation Your choice of tap dance syllabus – beginners to advanced, children to adults VIP access to FREE syllabus updates FREE tips on boosting class numbers FREE PDF with Christine’s personal teaching strategies ...
Meet the new target audience in the market, Generation Alpha. Learn everything you need to know about these future customers for your business.
entire college going process. Learning that I was apart of the modest 27% of minority students who graduate from high school, helped me realize that it is time for change in our generation. We must obtain a college education, and If we don’t plan for it, we won’t be successful. ”...