Next Generation EU could drive Bulgarian growth Emerging Europe Staff Funding from the European Union’s recovery fund, Next Generation EU, could drive growth of the Bulgarian economy, but the country needs to boost its below-average...
2020年5月欧盟推出了规模达7500亿欧元的“欧盟新生代”(Next Generation EU)复苏计划,旨在建设一个更绿色、更包容、数字化、可持续发展的欧洲,其中至少30%的资金用于应对气候变化。2022年5月欧盟通过“REPowerEU”的能源计划,将在“适应55”一揽子计划基础上,从现在到2027年额外投资2100亿欧元,从节能、能源供应多样化...
The European Union (EU) is investing significantly in its ability to transform the economic underpinnings of member states. The NextGenerationEU (NGEU) programme was created in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic to help countries power up after the pandemic had passed. Overall, it is much m...
伦敦和巴黎--(美国商业资讯)--穆迪ESG解决方案事业部(Moody’s ESG Solutions)今天宣布,V.E已就欧盟委员会的NextGenerationEU (NGEU)绿色债券框架提供了第二方意见(SPO)。该框架旨在为NGEU疫情恢复计划的核心——复苏和恢复力基金(Recovery and Resilience Facility)——提供绿色投资资金。V.E的第二方意见评估了...
NextGenerationEuItalyPolandIn many countries across Europe, youth conditions and intergenerational inequalities have frequently remained at the margins of political interest and a residual topic in discourses on welfare and in social policies. Difficulties in transitions to adulthood and issues of social ...
#活力欧洲# “下一代欧盟”(NextGenerationEU)复苏计划反映了薄弱地区日益增长的人道主义需求。我们建议增加欧盟的人道主义援助,以挽救生命并防止自然灾害给人们带来的痛苦。 û收藏 3 8 ñ37 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
伦敦和巴黎--(美国商业资讯)--穆迪ESG解决方案事业部(Moody’s ESG Solutions)今天宣布,V.E已就欧盟委员会的NextGenerationEU (NGEU)绿色债券框架提供了第二方意见(SPO)。该框架旨在为NGEU疫情恢复计划的核心——复苏和恢复力基金(Recovery and Resilience Facility)——提供绿色投资资金。V.E的第二方意见评估了...
倫敦和巴黎--(美國商業資訊)--穆迪ESG解決方案事業部(Moody’s ESG Solutions)今天宣佈,V.E已就歐盟委員會的NextGenerationEU (NGEU)綠色債券架構提供第二方意見(SPO)。該架構旨在為NGEU疫情復甦計畫的核心——復甦和韌性基金(Recovery and Resilience Facility)——提供綠色投資資金。V.E的第二方意見評估了三個...
In July 2020, the European Commission announced its €750 billion package to revive the postpandemic European economy, Next Generation EU. The programme comprises a number of loans and grants that will be funded by taking out European debt. Although the rules on liability sharing for Next ...
The article "THE SPANISH STRATEGY TOWARDS THE NEXTGENERATION EU FUNDS: A green and digital recovery" highlights Spain's response to the COVID-19 health crisis through the Recovery and Resilience Plan. Strategic investments have been implemented in areas such as ecologic...