As mentioned before, the second-generation BMW Z4 shares its platform with the upcoming Toyota Supra. The Z4 will only come in one body style as a roadster while the Toyota Supra will be a hardtop. With the Concept Z4 revealed, it is likely that the Supra concept will be shown d...
BMW Z4 sDrive35i十周年纪念版配备的是宝马集团的3.0升6缸双涡轮汽油增压发动机,最大输出功率达225千瓦/306马力,最大扭矩400牛米,最高车速250公里/时,在5.1秒内即可由静止加速至100公里/时,而百公里平均耗油仅为9.4升。
imageView2/2/w/1260"/>日前,Carlex Design发布了旗下最新的改装项目,一款基于首代BMW Z4双座敞篷跑车的定制车型。新车由一台源自于上一代M3的V8发动机为其提供动力,Carlex Design为这款Z4 Rampant选择了银和灰双色外观涂装,同时搭配枪金属质感合金轮毂,配备专属的前后保险杠,四出排气系统,及碳纤维后扩散器。正...
Something’s clearly afoot here. While the body of the car above is unmistakably that of a faceliftedsixth-generation Ford Mustang, the timing of the part-camouflaged car could point to something else lying under the skin. With the current car turning seven years old, the timing’s right fo...
“For sure, the M6 will be with us this year and next year, and we’ll just have to see over the course of time what is coming next.” When asked if BMW could revert to the Z4, following the launch of a third-generation road car model for 2019, Marquardt said he believes its ...
Next Gen 2015 BMW X5 M (F15) Begins Testing! [Updated with Video] 100COMMENTS Tweet UPDATED: New pics of the F15 X5 M hitting the Nurburgring for the first time - 10/9/12 We've just spied the next generation BMW X5 M prototype beginning its testing! Although still clad in full cam...
The next generation BMW X5 (F15) has begun its public testing! We bring you the first photos of it undergoing winter testing in Northern Sweden. These photos show the F15's new grille design for the first time - which are clearly larger, wider, and bolder than the current X5's. Prelimi...
• Increased personalisation for the BMW X3 M50 xDrive and BMW Z4 M40i with Handschalter Pack. • T3 presents the Best Car Tech award to the BMW Panoramic Vision. • Double success for BMW at the 2025 Professional Driver ...
The article also comments on her duties teaching anthropology courses at the school, notes her efforts to increase late-night food services offered to students, and highlights her ideas to engage resident assistants' (RA) as mentors to peers.EBSCO_AspChronicle of Higher Education...
GLE Coupe and Q8 are way better looking. BMW has never been able to get the X6 right. Except the first gen which was under Chris Bangle's team. First Generation X6 still looks the best IMO design-wise and stance. Appreciate4 JTO24 ...