Warehouse Operative (离职员工) - Doncaster, ENG - 2014年3月9日 I enjoyed working for next in the warehouse, but moved away so had to leave. 优点 bonus 缺点 had hard hourly targets to hit for wage bonus 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 评价您最近的公司 分享您的经验以帮助其他人 3.03...
Warehouse Operative(离职员工)-Doncaster, South Yorkshire-2021年7月14日 What a joke of a place to work, I worked there for 5 years and every year my pay and hours seemed to lower, the management treat you like rubbish and the performance targets are nearly impossible, plus you are on a ...
Female senior manager at Doncaster is a bully horrible woman Warehouse Operative(在职员工)-Doncaster, South Yorkshire-2020年3月7日 horrible environment The female senior manager was moved from another site due to bullying.but still continuing
Most of the care in nursing homes is palliative in nature, as it is the oldest and the frailest people who live in nursing homes. The aim of this study was to explore next of kin’s experiences of participating in the care of older persons at nursing hom
In the second step, meaning units were identified; in the third step, they were condensed into shorter units in NVIVO (QSR International Pty Ltd, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia). In the fourth step, a preliminary interpretation of the underlying meaning was expressed in terms of codes. These ...