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(including a Star Wars pillow, fleece throw blanket and glow-in-the-dark decorations) that your cabin steward can set up in your room, and Carnival's delivery of a Candy Fun Box for those with a sweet tooth. And definitely let the ship know that you'll be celebrating a birthday or ...
Later in the month we traveled to San Diego for Charlotte’s 4th birthday. Charlotte’s birthday party was at the beach this year! Lots of her friends attended and they all had so much fun playing at the beach & water, on the playground and enjoying a picnic & birthday cake together. ...
As a brand dedicated to supporting the next generation of athletes, Elite 24 provided a venue for the future’s brightest stars to showcase their skills on the national stage and rise to the ranks of the nation’s top high school performers on the court....
November 27, 1701 was the birthday of the Swedish scientist who created the temperature scale that bears his name. Jane Pauley reports. HISTORY:Castro, the good and the bad (Video) ART:A collision of quilting and rock music Faith Salie meets an artist for whom the craft and artistry of ...
So here I am, advocating for me, my work and my achievements. Sorry, Mom, but this can’t be bad, especially since my work—my good, hard work—pays off not only for me, but my family, friends, community and co-workers. After all, with more than two decades of good, hard work...
reading. Find me there at annebogel and at whatshouldireadnext. Our newsletter subscribers are the first to know all the What Should I Read Next news and happenings; if you’re not on the list just go to to sign up for our free weekly delivery....
At Under Armour, we know sport is so much more than a game. It inspires collaboration and teamwork, increases confidence, reduces stress and improves mental health. But around the world today, millions of young people are facing barriers that are negativ
9:00 a.m.My parents are coming tonight. They’ve been really careful and we just can’t go another day without seeing them. I need my mom’s help getting the new place together. We need the child care, too. They’re extremely close to our daughter. ...
into my frida mom dark gray hospital gown. selected for softness. and socks. i think i had socks on. the nurse checked my cervix. three centimeters dilated. normally, they do not admit mamas this early, but my contractions were very close together. i settled into my delivery room. this ...