email2 キュー queue integer Nextcom 呼び出しキュー内の連絡先の場所。 Nextcom ダイヤラーが Nextcom UI で設定されたルール セットに基づいて処理できるように、通常は空白のままにする必要があります メモ note string コメント、追加情報などを含むメモ。 顧客ディーラー customerDealer...
You can send an email to your customer from the record in the My work list or an activity in the Up next widget. If the email address of a contact isn't available, the app displays a warning message. When you send an email, the app creates an Email activity and links it to the ...
Next Hope may engage other companies and individuals to perform services on our behalf. Example of these services include analyzing data and providing customer support. These agents and service providers may have access to your personal information in connection with the performance of services for our...
There has been a recent acceleration in the digital transformation of our user experience and customer service interactions. Microsoft support services are accessible to customers through our Omni-Channel User Experience which includes not only channels such as voice, chat, email, social but a...
On the Administrative Tools menu, select Services. Right-click DPM Agent Coordinator, and then select Delete. 902 The job encountered an internal fatal error. Contact Microsoft Customer Support. 904 The protection agent on <ServerName> is not compatible with the DPM version. The protection agent ...
provider. Simply choose from our Standard NVMe 4, Enhanced NVMe 8, and Ultimate NVMe 16 hosting packages based on the amount of resources your website needs and follow the signup instructions. Once you have an account, you can easily upgrade to more resources from within your customer dash...
At aql, we offer next-gen services providing automation to help customers make informed decisions. Our intelligent IoT hardware is integrated into every rack, enabling us to accurately measure power usage. Our customer account centre allows users to also access this real-time data to see correlatio...
Customer Insights Data Box Data Box Edge Data Catalog Data Factory Data Protection Database Migration Service Databoxedge Databricks Datadog Deployment Manager Desktop Virtualization Dev Center Dev Spaces DevOps Infrastructure DevTest Labs Dns DNS Resolver Domain Services Dynatrace Elastic Elasticsan ...
AWS AI Services provide ready-made intelligence for your applications and workflows. AI Services integrate with your applications to address common use cases such as personalized recommendations, modernizing your contact center, improving safety and security, and increasing customer engagement. ...
The future of GE's companies begins now with the planned spinoff of GE Aerospace and GE Vernova. See how the GE companies are empowering the next generation.