一加手机「总有故事 被影像看见」创意传播 2021-08-19 Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Address: Room 201, 5# Building, 718 Liyuan Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Phone: 021-62340380 Fax: 021-62340380 Email: amy.wei@pastnext.com CONTACT US We look forward to your voice...
such as your name, email address and other associated personal information for targeted advertising activities as described above, please submit the form below. Please note that choices related to cookies and device identifiers are specific to the brand’s website or app on the browser or de...
EnergyX is a clean energy technology company that builds disruptive technologies to power a sustainable future with lithium and batteries.
CEO of Synextra View Case Study Why Use Our Next-GenColocation? By leveraging aql’s Tier 3+colocation services, you entrust us with the management of power, security, and maintenance for your servers and equipment, while gaining access to our expansive national network. ...
GlockApps – an all-in-one email deliverability testing solution. Check your spam score, email authentication, sender reputation, domain and IP analytics, identify and resolve issues promptly.
Meanwhile, Apple was ailing. In 1993 Apple's share of the personal computer market was 8 percent; it had fallen to the status of an also-ran, becoming almost irrelevant to the future of computers. Sculley was fired and replaced by Michael Spindler as CEO. In 1995 Spindler left Apple and...
CLINT SALTER, CEO of Dance Studio Owner’s Association and Founder of DanceLife “The instructions are so clear and concise and the syllabus is really good fun for the little ones. I’m very proud to be representing Tapatak Oz here in the UK.” ...
Leading the charge for this new phase of rapid growth is London-based Andy Berry, who was recently appointed as VertiGIS’s CEO. Berry has an extensive background in growing global technology companies with executive roles at ZephyrTel, Pitney Bowes, and LogFire. In his most recent role as ...
that our new CEO be able to build on Public Counsel's track record of ensuring justice for clients and communities, both locally and across the country. That means growing the work and maximizing our impact," Tanya Acker, chair of Public Counsel's board of directors, wrote in an e...
With Tom as our new CEO, I get to help navigate where we take Zero next. (And you can contribute, too.Join us!) I’ll sign off with a quote from Seneca (but which most of us know as a line in Semisonic’s song “Closing Time”): “Every new beginning comes from some other be...