Adrien Book按照近期、中期和远期盘点了20项发明,认为它们有可能会改变这个世界。原文标题是:The “Next Big Thing” in Technology : 20 Inventions That Will Change the World 划重点 近期的、有点无聊的、意料之中的技术 区块链 加密货币 情感AI /情感计算 AI云服务/数据即服务/ AI PaaS 联网家庭/智能家居 ...
C Virtual(虚拟的) reality(VR)-long advertised as the next big thing in technology—hasn't taken off as a consumer product, but employers consider it as a more effective tool for on-the-job training.In virtual reality, things look and sound as if they were real, and the brain processes...
Eventually, wearable technology will become more integrated with the human body. With advances in miniaturization and nanotechnology glasswear will be replaced with contact lens or even bionic eyes that record everything, make phone calls and allow you to use parts of your body, or even your thou...
C Virtual (拟 ) reality ( VR)-long advertised as the next big thing in technology-hasn't taken off as a consumer prodt, but emplers considet as a moreeffetive tool for on-the-jo b training.In ial relit. thiglk and sudas if the were real, and the brain processes it as though ...
Big Data - the Next Big Thing in TechnologyCiara O'brien
However, competition will intensify led by the big technology companies in 2019. For example, Apple is planning to refresh its current AirPods this year with a major overhaul to the design expected in late 2020. In addition, Google and Amazon are likely to introduce similar hearable devices ...
There are many more examples of personalized products and services out there, and they all rely on the KYC principle manifested in this or that form. Some of them use a single core technology, but most of them lean on a combination of big data, cloud computing, AI/ML, and IoT to build...
December 20, 2022 –Each year, Fast Company’s panel of editors and writers investigate the world of technology to showcase what it believes to be the Next Big Thing in Tech across companies of all sizes, from multinationals to start-ups. This year Lenovo was chosen, alongside 120 other co...
Reports claimed that one company is looking to use the tech for customer service, but Google denies this. What is digital transformation? Everything you need to know about how technology is reshaping business Digital transformation: what it is, why it matters, and what the big trends a...
Everything RF defines AFC best, as a "spectrum use coordination system that consists of a registered database of all the bands in use by various types of radio frequency services in a particular area." So how does this relate to Wi-Fi 7? AFC is used by Wi-Fi devices that operate on...