The network enables flexible and efficient mass-customized production and provides managers with real-time, high-precision insights into production processes and operating status. It also automates data perception in all processes, decision-making for all events, and the iteration of full-c...
BES also utilizes service-oriented architecture (SOA) for modularized capabilities and module servicization. Modules with different functions can be flexibly assembled like building blocks to form the specific business solutions operators need to respond to changing business scenarios. Lastly, BES has a ...
In viticulture, biochar is primarily used in low organic matter soils, which usually means one of two scenarios: highly sandy soils and soils that have lost organic matter to years of conventional farming abuse. Doug Beck is the science officer for Monterey Pacific, a vineyard management company...
with a range that spans from post-silicon validation, all the way to system level test. Now, there is a lot of big data coming out of the test eco-system, and the industry has realized the future is using tools like AI and
they provide a rationale for the range of scenarios for growth and dynamism over the coming decades that we present in the main report and describe some swing factors that could alter the outcomes. To read about each of the 18 potential future arenas in greater depth, click on the tiles bel...
Some simple single threaded, synchronous applications may perform better under legacy nanomsg than under NNG. (We believe that these applications are the least commonly deployed, and least interesting from a performance perspective. NNG's internal design is slightly less efficient in such scenarios, bu...
Sherlock Holmes said that: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”This statement is applicable to forecasting because it is important to understand that improbability does not imply impossibility. Most scenarios about the future consider an...
they provide a rationale for the range of scenarios for growth and dynamism over the coming decades that we present in the main report and describe some swing factors that could alter the outcomes. to read about each of the 18 potential future arenas in greater depth, click on the tiles bel...
Niceset of scenarios for Ukraine/Russia from the BBC(I wonder what it might look like as a matrix?). The whole sorry state reminds me of Mary Schmich’s commencement speach essay: “Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an...
For the first time in the industry, LampSite 3.0 provides up to 240MHz full-bandwidth capabilities, which enables indoor digital networks to support multi-carrier sharing scenarios. Effective deployment of shared digital infrastructure like this involves greater collaboration be...