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Candidates will also be tested on how they see the future relationship with the EU, still the UK's largest trading partner. Sunak, Mordaunt and Badenoch backed Brexit in the 2016 referendum, while Truss and Tugendhat wanted to remain in the bloc. ...
Our app uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance your shopping experience. If you would like to change your cookie preferences, please shop using the mobile or desktop version of the website. Whether you’re shopping schoolwear for the new term, hunting for ...
Chaired by Bruce Carnegie-Brown, who also chairs TheCityUK Leadership Council, the NGLC has been formed to provide fresh perspectives, ideas and constructive challenge to the work we do on behalf of the industry. Members were nominated by their firm's Leadership Council representatives and ...
1 Uncanny valley here we come When it comes to graphics, games have come a long way in the last 30 years, as developers get closer and closer to creating characters and worlds that are indistinguishable from real life. But it’s not only new games that are getting the upgrade. Many deve...