Convert 76.93 Newtons to Joules/Centimeter | Convert 76.93 N to J/cm with our conversion calculator and conversion table
Direct conversion formula: 1 Newtons * 101.9716213 = 1 Kilogram Force Opposite conversion: 400 Kilogram Force to Newtons Check out conversion of 400 N to most popular force units: 400 N to Pound Force400 N to Joules/CentimeterConversion table: Newtons to Kilogram Force NEWTONS KILOGRAM FORCE 1...
Convert Joules to Newtons: Get Help Here! hi guys - this is not a homework problem. I'm way too old to be in school - I'm actually trying to solve a "real world" problem and I'm just a dumb computer scientist pretending to be a mechanical engineer. I'm working on designing a ...
I'm trying to understand these basic concepts and I want to understand them deeply. In learning about Newtons and joules, I have a couple of questions. Please bare with me as I seek clarity. 1 netwon is the amount of force it takes to accelerate 1 KG at the rate of 1m/s^2. If ...
How much force is needed to lift an object 7 meters if it takes 300 joules of energy to get it there? You have a mass of 68 kg, and you are in a spaceship orbiting the earth. a) What is your altitude (in km) if your weight (force of gravity on you) is 85...
joules of energy and it hit Ball Two in an elastic collision, Ball Two would swing away with 10 joules. The balls in a Newton's cradle hit each other in a series of elastic collisions, transferring the energy of Ball One through the line on to Ball Five, losing no energy along the ...
Direct conversion formula: 1 Newtons * 101.9716213 = 1 Kilogram Force Opposite conversion: 500 Kilogram Force to Newtons Check out conversion of 500 N to most popular force units: 500 N to Pound Force500 N to Joules/CentimeterConversion table: Newtons to Kilogram Force NEWTONS KILOGRAM FORCE 1...
Direct conversion formula: 1 Kilogram Force / 101.9716213 = 1 Newtons Opposite conversion: 20 Newtons to Kilogram Force Check out conversion of 20 kgf to most popular force units: 20 kgf to Pound Force20 kgf to Joules/CentimeterConversion table: Kilogram Force to Newtons KILOGRAM FORCE NEWTONS ...