Newton methodnonlinear equations/ Newton-type methodsnonlinear equationsquadratic matrix groupsnumerical methodsmatrix Lie groupsLie algebraCayley approximantIn this paper we consider numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations on matrix Lie groups. Recently Owren and Welfert (Technical Report Numerics, ...
The Gauss–Newton method forℓ1 orthogonal distance regression is studied in [38]. [6] use theℓ1 andℓ for ,tting parametric curves and surfaces. The case of gen-eralℓp norms is described in[8]. In a recent manuscript
Newton-type methodSemilocal convergenceConvergence ballBanach spaces65H10The paper is concerned with the convergence problem of third-order Newton-type methods for finding zeros of nonlinear operationsin Banach spaces. Under the hypothesis that the derivative of f satisfies the weak Lipschitz condition ...
This study proposes an efficient Newton-type method for the optimal control of switched systems under a given mode sequence. A mesh-refinement-based approach is utilised to discretise continuous-time optimal control problems (OCPs) and formulate a nonlinear program (NLP), which guarantees the local...
In the last years, attention has been paid in studying Newton's method on manifolds. In this paper, we generalize this study considering some Newton-type iterative methods. A characterization of the convergence under Kantorovich type conditions and optimal estimates of the error are found. Using ...
With the idea of Qi’s smoothing Newton method,we propose a new class of smoothing Newton methods for the nonlinear complementarity problem based on a class of special functions. 本文一方面基于现有的各种光滑牛顿法的思想和半光滑理论,利用著名的Fischer-Burmeister互补函数的光滑形式,首先将互补问题的求解...
In this paper, we present a Newton-type method with double regularization parameters for nonlinear ill-pose problems. The key step in the process that a reasonable choice rule to determine these two regularization parameters is presented. And the convergence and the stability of the method are dis...
Newton's methodmultilevel algorithmsmultigrid methodsunconstrained optimizationALGORITHMInspired by multigrid methods for linear systems of equations, multilevel optimization methods have been proposed to solve structured optimization problems. Multilevel methods make more assumptions regarding the structure of the...
5. The selection of the horizon vector in the quasi-newton type trust region method based on the conic model 锥模型的拟牛顿型信赖域方法中的水平向量的选取 6. Quasi-newton Type Trust Region Nlethod Based on the Conic Model 锥模型的拟牛顿型信赖域方法©...
We present a novel Newton-type method for distributed optimization, which converges to the empirical optimum of distributed stochastic optimization problems using a small number of simple communication rounds. For quadratic objectives, the number of communication rounds provably scales \emph{down} with th...