We assume you are converting between newton/metre and pound-force/inch. You can view more details on each measurement unit: newton/meter or lbf/in The SI derived unit for surface tension is the newton/meter. 1 newton/meter is equal to 0.0057101471743224 lbf/in. Note that rounding errors ...
The newton-meter, or newton-metre, is anSIunit of torque in the metric system. Newton-meters can be abbreviated asNm; for example, 1 newton-meter can be written as 1 Nm. Learn more aboutnewton-meters. What Are Inch-Pounds? One inch-pound is equal to the torque that results from apply...
One Newton meter/metre (Nm) = 0.7376 lbf.ft (frequently expressed as ft-lb or foot pounds, but technically lbf.ft is correct) representing 1 lbf acting at 1 ft from the centre of rotation. To convert your Nm figure to lbf.ft, simply multiply it by 0.7376. Note: We express pound for...
• kgf/cm ↔ pdl/m [poundal/meter]• kgf/cm ↔ pdl/yd [poundal/yard] • kgf/cm ↔ ozf/yd [ounce-force/yard]• kgf/cm ↔ ozf/ft [ounce-force/foot] • kgf/cm ↔ ozf/in [ounce-force/inch]• kgf/cm ↔ lbf/yd [pound-force/yard] • kgf/cm ↔ lbf/in...
One kilonewton is equal to 1,000 newtons, which are equal to the force needed to move one kilogram of mass at a rate of one meter per second squared. How to Convert Kilonewtons To convert kilonewtons to another unit of force, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. ...
Then all you have to do is select the unit to convert in the right box containing the list of units such as Newton-meter (Nm), Dyne-centimeter (dy cm), Kgrf-meter (kgf m), lbf- inch and also the lbf-foot. That’s all. The result will then instantly appear in the “To” box...
Convert Pound Force Per Square Inch to Meganewton Per Square Feet (PSI lbf/in2 in MN/ft2). Pound Force Per Square Inch and Meganewton Per Square Feet both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
newton per square meter N/m2 1 Pa ounce force (av.) per square inch ozf/in2, osi 430.922 Pa pascal Pa, N/m2 1 Pa pound force per square foot lbf/ft2 47.8803 Pa pound force per square inch psi, PSI, lbf/in2 6894.76 Pa poundal per square foot pdl/ft2 1.48816 Pa poundal per sq...
Microjoule (uJ) ↔ Newton meter (N.m) Conversion in Batch Microjoule: Newton meter: Note: Fill in one box to get results in the other box by clicking "Calculate" button. Data may be separated by semicolon (;), space, tab, or in separated lines. ...
Inch of water H2O (39 °F) kg force / cm2 kg force / dm2 kg force / m2 kg force / mm2 kilopascal kilopounds per square inch megapascal meter of water H2O (16 °C) meter of water H2O (4 °C) microbar (µbar) micron of mercury Hg (Millitorr) ...