EnglishNewsReading andWriting Chapter5:BasicNews Lead TheLead 1.Whatisalead? Leadisthefirstparagraphinthenews story. 2.Whatcanaleaddo? Catchthereader’sattention Tellreaderswhat’simportant Pullreadersintomoredetail Activity1: Readthefollowingnews,anddiscuss ingroupswhethertheleadstellyou themostimportant...
第16页/共53页 • News lead often includes six elements of journalism, which are what, when, who, where, why and how (time, location, participants, event or action and circumstances). 第17页/共53页 Eleven people were killed and four missing yesterday after Typhoon Chanchu pummelled ...
It is held in western journalism that if newspapers are to hold the readers, news stories must be clear and easy to understand. Hough once remarked, “Newspaper seeks to appeal to the largest possible audience. News stories must be written clearly, explain facts precisely, define terms ...
Notes Let’s pay tribute to the renowned anchor - late Peter Jennings (1938-2005, born in Canada) the lead anchor and senior editor of ABCNEWS’ World News Tonight, where he has established a reputation for independence and excellence in broadcast journalism. He became an American citizen in...
(L2, Para 8)Trends include an increased demand 与 the exploitation will create revenue streams 并列, which引导定语从句修饰the exploitation of lifestyle journalism.未来报纸发展的趋势包括对本地新闻需求的日益增长,而始于20世纪80年代后期的对生活方式新闻的持续开发利用尤其在个人理财和旅游方面将会创造新的...
Today’s Goals and Focus questions Identify the main idea of a news story Determine the order of information in a news story Explain why they think a news story is written in the order that it is Consider a specific news story Why is story-telling an important aspect of a culture or soc...
Jobsinjournalism Groupwork.Circlethechoicesthatbestdescribeyou.Shareyouranswers.LessonAThepeoplebehindthenewsLessonBInthenews1.Ipreferspeaking/writinginEnglish.2.Iwantmyfuturejobtobeexciting/predictable.3.Idon’tmindworkingalone/withalotofpeople.4.Iamgood/notgoodatmeetingdeadlines.5.Peoplewouldprobablysaymypers...
B.The5“W’s”andtheHNewsarticles,especiallyahardnewsstory,alwaysincludetheessentials—who,what,where,when,whyandhow.Goodnewswritingattemptstoanswerallthebasicquestionsaboutanyparticulareventinthefirsttwoorthreeparagraphs.C.“invertedpyramid”structure •Journalisminstructorsusuallydescribetheorganizationorstructure...
Advanced English (II)Part IIICommon ground shared by literature and print journalism: people read both for information.Paras.7-9Part IVHow the news has become a matter of opinion: people read to get a “take” (“interpretation”, para.10) on the news that they like.Paras.10-12To be ...
Good news writing attempts to answer all the basic questions about any particular event in the first two or three paragraphs. C. “inverted pyramid” structure Journalism instructors usually describe the organization or structure of a news story as an inverted pyramid. This upside down triangle ...