《英文newsreport》PPT课件 #英文newsreportPPT课件 Whatmakesanewsreporteffective?Explorethedefinition,maincharacteristics,andimportanceofnewsreportsinthisengagingpresentation.Introduction Definitionofnewsreport Understandthepurposeandstructureofanewsreportandhowitdiffersfromotherformsofwriting.Maincharacteristicsofnewsreport ...
8、newslifestyle journalismPersonal finance and travelNew revenue streamLocality and tradition.Words to note Phrases 1. capture2. nevertheless3. moreoverclose downin a bidrefer to asNew Wordscaptureones heartones interest/attentionones imaginationa titlethe headlines赢得某人的爱吸引某人激发某人的想象力...
In an age of information explosion, journalists, in face of increasing specialization and complex technology, are called upon to write about many highly specialized subjects, and they write for readers who are mostly generalists (兴趣广泛的人), not specialists.; It is held in western journalism ...
• In another word, it is the journalist‟s promise to the reader of what is to come. After reading the lead, the reader makes a critical decision on whether he or she should read on. According to Donald Murray, author of Writing for Readers, ...
How can use narratives to understand ourselves, others, and the world? Watch mini video Take notes (7 slides) Read Article Complete Analysis What is your favorite story? Do the big important pieces of information come all at the beginning, in the middle, or in the end, or do they spread...
Everything on "Journalism in Latin America" in one document: edited and divided into chapters, including detailed references. Go to report Further reports News in Mexico Statista has been my savior on several occasions. The site is easy to maneuver and the data is in a format that can ...
It is held in western journalism that if newspapers are to hold the readers, news stories must be clear and easy to understand. Hough once remarked, “Newspaper seeks to appeal to the largest possible audience. News stories must be written clearly, explain facts precisely, define terms ...
Jobsinjournalism Groupwork.Circlethechoicesthatbestdescribeyou.Shareyouranswers.LessonAThepeoplebehindthenewsLessonBInthenews1.Ipreferspeaking/writinginEnglish.2.Iwantmyfuturejobtobeexciting/predictable.3.Idon’tmindworkingalone/withalotofpeople.4.Iamgood/notgoodatmeetingdeadlines.5.Peoplewouldprobablysaymypers...
B.The5“W’s”andtheHNewsarticles,especiallyahardnewsstory,alwaysincludetheessentials—who,what,where,when,whyandhow.Goodnewswritingattemptstoanswerallthebasicquestionsaboutanyparticulareventinthefirsttwoorthreeparagraphs.C.“invertedpyramid”structure •Journalisminstructorsusuallydescribetheorganizationorstructure...
What’s her purpose of writing the book revealing her private life? What do you think of her as a woman? Projects: Choose a project 1. Find more information about Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush. Write a comparison of the two First Ladies. 2. Prepare an in-depth report on the US ...