"Man" features Daniels as a blocked writer, who converses with an imaginary superhero, played by Reynolds, and who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a Long Island teenager, played by Stone. The film was produced byFilmColony'sRichard Gladstein, Film 360'sGuymon CasadyandArtfire Films'Art...
His only companions are a village of straw people with which he converses as neighbours and friends; he even teaches straw children at the local school. Yet, this anchor, this way of habitual living, is about to become unraveled in frightening and disturbing ways. Leading the way to A ...
Barry Keoghan made his debut as the Dark Knight's most iconic foe in The Batman, showing up near the end of the movie as an "Unnamed Arkham Prisoner" who converses with The Riddler (Paul Dano). It soon became clear that this disfigured criminal was supposed to be The Joker - or at ...
Onscreen, he will appear opposite Zac Efron in "17 Again" and stars on Showtime's "Weeds."... See full article at The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News 12/2/2008 by By Borys Kit The Hollywood Reporter - Movie NewsRomero Brings Out His 'Dead' George A. Romero is hard at work on a...
In the film, the Wheeler character converses with real people in real locations and performs every musical number live, eventually interacting with real musicians like Travis Meadows, Audrey Spillman and the legendary Kris Kristofferson, Wheeler’s hero. Watch an exclusive clip from the film below....
The festival will open with David Stratton as he converses with the cast and crew of Shirley Barrett's tender and sweeping South Solitary on June 3. Barrett will be joined by the film's producer Marian Macgowan and the main actors Miranda Otto, Barry Otto (Australia) and Marton Csokas (...