Stay within platform limits (30 for Instagram, 2-3 for Twitter) Space out your posts and avoid spam-like behavior Hashtag Placement Instagram: Put hashtags in first comment or end of caption Twitter: Integrate naturally into tweet text TikTok: Place in caption, prioritize trending tags General:...
The dynamics and influence of fake news on Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election remains to be clarified. Here, we use a dataset of 171 million tweets in the five months preceding the election day to identify 30 million tweets, from 2.2 millio
Gay men reclaimed the label “proud” over the weekend, taking over the Twitter hashtag from the far-right Proud Boys who have been causing havoc and violence in the Pacific Northwest. The hashtag, trending all weekend, was not populated by hate-filled messages and, since President Trump ref...
Twitter users have reclaimed the Proud Boys hashtag with photos and tweets depicting LGBTQ love in an effort to divert attention from the controversial group. It's not clear whose idea it was, but the campaign is believed to have taken off thanks to a push from actor George Takei, who twe...
People are using the hashtag "#MeToo" on Twitter to raise awareness about sexual assault and harassment. A post shared by actress Alyssa Milano explains that if people who have been sexually assaulted or harassed tweet "me too," it might "give people a sense of the magnitude of the ...
aFor all of the videos, all of the tweets, all of the photos, all of the news, and just some of our ramblings in general, check out hashtag #AtmelCES on twitter and you will have it all there right in front of you. 为所有录影,所有鸣叫、所有相片,所有新闻和我们的一些漫记在twitter...
To be eligible to win BINGO all social media posts must be on a public profile using the hashtag #DragonmountQuest (so Dragonmount can authenticate and repost). Selfie with a Dragonmount staffer Screenshot of your profile Selfie with someone in Aes Sedai cosplay Screen...
1 (stay with us here, we promise this is going somewhere good), plenty of stars — from Lady Gaga to Pharrell Williams –have taken to Twitter and Instagram to promote the health care initiative using the hashtag, “#GetCovered.” But on Oct. 3, Nina Dobrev outdid everyone, getting ...
This paper examines the discursive aspects of Twitter communication during the floods in the summer of 2010–2011 in Queensland, Australia. Using a representative sample of communication associated with the #qldfloods hashtag on Twitter, we coded and analysed the...