whether it’s news, feature stories, videos, or social media. Learn how to customize the news feed in Microsoft Edge so you can focus on what piques your interest—or discover something new that you may enjoy.
How to hide your Microsoft Edge news feed The news feed inMicrosoft Edgeis a handy feature, especially for people who like to stay up to date on what’s going on in the world today. Taking a quick glance at the news feed as you browse the internet is an easy way to keep up with ...
How to Remove News Feed on Microsoft Edge Now, you can avoid seeing unwanted content while opening Edge and make sure your browser is personalized to your liking. Keep reading below to get the answer to your question. Option 1: Via Desktop Follow the steps mentioned below to delete the n...
It works on all major social networks! News Feed Sanitizer comes in two flavors: Lite (free) and Pro. When you install the extension, you can use the Pro version, for 30 days. After that, you either create a Pro subscription, or you are downgraded to the Lite version.显示更多 无用户...
People hate news feed on Microsoft's Edge browser and want to hide it so bad. With this simple workaround, you can do just that.
How to Turn Off News Feed on New Tab Page in Microsoft Edge Chromium. The latest Canary build of Microsoft Edge Chromium comes with a long awaited option
To disable the news feed, turn off the Show Feed toggle. Additionally, you can also turn off the weather and background. You can also change the homepage to open a website of your choice on Microsoft Edge. How to Remove Top Sites and News Feed Step 1: When you open a new tab, cli...
Select Top sites and my news feed, select your language and choose your favorite topics. After selecting your favorite topics, now click Save. That’s it. Now you can see your favorite news on Microsoft Edge home. Hope this information was helpful and do let us know if you need further ...
Update:The original steps mentioned in this post do not work for thenew version of Microsoft Edge, with looks and works a lot like Google Chrome. If you already have the new version of Edge, follow the steps highlighted below. Open Edge, and on the “new tab” page click ⚙ >Content...
5. Disable News Feed in Edge You can click on the “Personalize” button showing above the news feed section and customize the appearance of your feed on new tab page. However, you can also disable the news feed to avoid distractions. ...