"Cafes are a place for chatting, and making coffee is not very complicated," said Cao. "That's why I set up the cafe for these young people." She wants to create a real life experience to help them learn how to communicate with people, as well as raising social awareness of autism....
这家咖啡馆的环境还不错。 The environment of this cafe is nice. 你想喝点什么? What would you like to drink? 请问想喝点什么? Anything to drink? 给我来一杯卡布奇诺吧。 I would like a cappuccino, please? 咖啡要怎么喝(要加什么东西)? How would you like your coffee? 我要一杯不加奶的咖...
静默咖啡 silent cafe 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 这是一家藏在胡同里的咖啡店,坐在露台上喝咖啡就像在胡同的房顶上一样,体验非常好。特别推荐他们的: 脏脏咖啡 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 这款咖啡的外形非常吸引人,一层巧克力脆皮。豆子香味浓郁,奶油恰到好处,整体口感不甜,非常喜欢!之后我还会不定期更新我的咖啡探店经历,...
June brought a boom to cybercafe operators as it was the deadline when Kenyans were to file their tax returns. "This place was busy especially the last two weeks of the month. I hired an extra hand and brought in two more computers to handle traffic," said John Njeru, a cybercafe op...
近年来,McCafe 开始越来越多地瞄准星巴克的客户群,提供新奇的装饰咖啡饮品。 在缅因州和密歇根 州等州,麦咖啡比星巴克还多。 4.拉瓦扎。 总部:意大利都灵 2022年总销售额: 23 亿美元 对于居住在美国的人来说,Lavazza 位列榜首可能令人惊讶。 该连锁店在意大利以外只有几家商店,其大部分收入来自杂货店销售的包装...
"We need to learn. It is a whole new shopping experience, this cashier-free store," said the man surnamed Wu. As he walked out of the cafe, his bill was automatically paid via the e-payment account on his smart phone. Zeng Xiaodong, senior technical advisor at Ant Finance, said the ...
🌍 摩洛哥的卡萨布兰卡,这座充满浪漫气息的城市,因电影《卡萨布兰卡》而闻名于世。每年吸引无数游客前来朝圣,其中里克咖啡馆Rick’s Cafe更是热门打卡地。🏛️ 尽管电影并非在卡萨布兰卡拍摄,但这座咖啡馆由前美国外交官Kathy Krige仿照电影场景打造,设计师Bill Willis曾负责YSL故居的室内装修。🌿...
7、布雷卫/半拿铁(Cafe Breve):类似于拿铁,不同之处在于加入的不是牛奶,而是半牛奶、半奶油的混合物,有时会再加少许奶泡。8、摩卡(Caffè Mocha):得名于著名的摩卡港,由意大利浓缩咖啡、巧克力糖浆、鲜奶油和牛奶混合而成,是意式拿铁咖啡的变种。🌞在法国的一个美好早晨,我最喜欢的是一杯拿铁配可颂了,那...
Liu plans to bring more pets to her cafe in the future. "I believe African pygmy hedgehogs will be as popular as the call ducks," she said. In China, owning pets is a growing trend. The pet dog population in China reached 27.4 million in 2018, ranking third in the world after the...
프렌치카페 카페믹스(FRENCH CAFE) 总投票人数:4986位 男生:1428位 女生:3558位 4.至尊黑咖啡 수프리모 블랙(supremo black) 总投票人数:1406位 男生:488位 女生:1318位 5.肯塔塔白金咖啡 칸타타 리치골드(Cantata RICH GOLD) ...