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Shenzhou-19 crew members aboard China's orbiting space station completed a record-breaking nine-hour spacewalk at 9:57 p.m. Beijing Time on Tuesday. This extravehicular activity (EVA) was not only the longest by Chinese astronauts but also included the first spacewalk by a Chinese astronaut bor...
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Chinese Researchers Report a Pig Kidney Transplant and a First-Step Liver Experiment Offbeat It Was Bacteria — Not a Miracle — on a Communion Wafer in Indiana Church 8 New Corvettes Go Missing From Kentucky Car Plant, but the Conspicuous Muscle Cars Are All Found ...
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March 14 NATO secretary-general tells Trump he’s motivating alliance members to spend more on defense March 14 Poland aims to train 100,000 military reservists a year as security fears grow March 12 NATO chief assures Western Balkans of alliance support and urges flexibility in Kosovo, ...
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Adrienne Vogt is a breaking news editor on CNN’s live news team, responsible for coverage of breaking news and live events. She has extensive social media experience and previously worked at NBC News, MSNBC, Twitter, Yahoo, and Newsweek & The Daily Beast. ...