Upon the user changing the bias value, the system loads a different news article on the same topic with a different bias. The system can be extended for a variety of media such as songs, provided the lyrics are known. We test our system on a few news articles on different topics, re...
Analysis / BiasIn review, CNS News consistently publishes news that favors the right and denigrates the left. Headlines and articles typically use moderately loaded wording such as this: Patrick Buchanan: Has the West the Will to Survive?. Within this article, there is not a single link to ...
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation...
Algorithms and AI can add another layer to bias and stereotyping beyond the human aspects that we all work so hard to defuse. Just under 80% of people who work in AI are men and the systems are entrenched in language – benign at best,purposely codedat worst with “lesser than” logic ...
The first set of data we collected are news articles and article-related data, including information on the bias of an article. We accessed these data from Ad Fontes media,5, a corporation that rates news articles with respect to their reliability and their political bias. Ad Fontes media’s...
his new populist party came into being with an overt antisemitic component best known from its leader’s remarks on social media that combine classic Baltic Holocaust-based antisemitism with anti-Israel based bias in a new synthesis of prejudice against our country’s tiny Jewish minority, now ...
Hosseinimotlagh S, Papalexakis EE (2018) Unsupervised content-based identification of fake news articles with tensor decomposition ensembles. In: Proceedings of the workshop on misinformation and misbehavior mining on the web (MIS2) Huckle S, White M (2017) Fake news: a technological approach to...
We struggle with grey, indeterminacy, probability, uncertainty, tension, and dynamics. I think the success of Newton and science; the whole Enlightenment and scientific method have reinforced this bias. We seek objective reality, science and morals and instinctively back away from relativity and subje...
They then train the recurrent neural network to classify articles according to these labels. Finally, the authors conduct a reverse feature analysis and find that, at the word level, political bias correlates with such LIWC categories (Pennebaker, Boyd, Jordan, & Blackburn, 2015) as negative ...
Examples of fake news stories Fake news articles and reports can be found practically anywhere, including on social media, web forums, newsletters, television, and print media. But fake news examples tend to fall into one of a few categories, and the more you know about them, the easier it...