Its objective is more important than finesse that many scholars insist on in writing books from which others must learn things. I am not a scholar. I have practiced journalism from the position of cub reporter to an editor of a magazine. I have trained journalists both from Zambia and from...
Features Writing TechniquesFeature Story vs. News StoryHard news stories move briskly through the five W's and the H, packing in just enough detail to give readers a clear picture of the news. Immediacy is everything in hard news. In features, the immediacy of the event is secondary. It'...
ANewAngletoNewsFeatureWritingCaptureExpansionInterception 第28卷第3期 2012年8月 广东农工商职业技术学院学报 JournalofGuangdongAIBPolytechnicCollege Vo1.28No.3 Aug.,2012 [文史研究] 捕捉、拓展、截取与衔接:新闻特写写作的一种新视角 李毅坚 (广西职业技术学院,广西南宁530226) 摘要:该文突破了以往特写写作集中论...
It means that the most important information goes at the top, or beginning of the story, and the least important stuff goes at the bottom.导语包括最重要和最吸引人导语包括最重要和最吸引人的消息的消息更多的事实材料更多的事实材料辅助和背景次要事实最不重要Which one toc 8、hoose?Keep your writing...
news now also include feature stories. The Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing is awarded annually for a distinguished example of feature writing in an American newspaper or magazine giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Feature_...
Newsstoriesarewrittenintheinvertedpyramidformat.Itmeansthatthemostimportantinformationgoesatthetop,orbeginningofthestory,andtheleastimportantstuffgoesatthebottom.Keepyourwritingtight 1.OnewaytodothisistofollowtheS-V-Oformat,whichstandforSubject-VerbObject.Ex:Shereadthebook.Thebookwasreadbyher.Thefirstoneis...
B.The5“W’s”andtheHNewsarticles,especiallyahardnewsstory,alwaysincludetheessentials—who,what,where,when,whyandhow.Goodnewswritingattemptstoanswerallthebasicquestionsaboutanyparticulareventinthefirsttwoorthreeparagraphs.C.“invertedpyramid”structure •Journalisminstructorsusuallydescribetheorganizationorstructure...
Features Writing TechniquesFeature Story vs. News StoryHard news stories move briskly through the five W's and the H, packing in just enough detail to give readers a clear picture of the news. Immediacy is everything in hard news. In features, the immediacy of the event is secondary. It'...
Hard News Vs. Feature Stories 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 133 摘要: Hard News Vs. Feature Storiesare written so the reader can stop reading at any time, and still come away with the whole story. This is very different from an essay, which presumes that the audience will stick ...
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