anewsstory/item/report 一则新闻;新闻报道 牛津词典 Newsof a serious road accident is just coming in. 有关一起恶性交通事故的报道开始陆续传来。 牛津词典 breakingnews(=newsthat is arriving about events that have just happened) 突发新闻 牛津词典 ...
news 显示所有例句 n. 1. 消息;音信new information about sth that has happened recently 2. 媒体对重要事情的报道;新闻reports of recent events that appear in newspapers or on television or radio 3. (电视或广播中的)新闻报道a regular television or radio broadcast of the latest news 4. 新闻人物...
NEWS是日本杰尼斯事务所(Johnny's)旗下的男子偶像团体。2003年9月15日结成 [1],于2004年5月12日正式出道。 [1]“NEWS”代表North(北)、East(东)、West(西)、South(南)四个方向,寓意NEWS能向国际四方发展,并有“新讯息”的意味。 [2] 2012年NEWS作为4人团体再出发,发行单曲「チャンカパーナ」 [3-4...
Xi Story: Balancing ancient town preservation with modern development After a spring snowfall, the Old Town of Lijiang in southwest China's Yunnan Province was bustling with tourists. On Wednesday afternoon, the 800-year-old town welcomed a special guest -- Chinese President Xi Jinping. ...
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news英音: [nju:z] 美音: [nju:z] 不可数名词:1. 新闻,消息,报导2. 新闻报道,新闻节目3. 新闻人物,新闻发生地,新闻事件英英释义 a program devoted to news new information about specific and timely events new information of any kind information reported in a newspaper or news magazine the quality...
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.
美国新闻集团(News Corporation)是世界上规模最大、国际化程度最高的综合性媒体集团之一,前身是澳大利亚新闻有限公司,经过五十多年的时间,现已发展成为一个庞大的传媒帝国,涉足几乎所有的媒体领域。新闻集团经营的核心业务涵盖电影、电视节目的制作和发行、无线电视和有线电视广播、报纸、杂志、书籍出版以及数字广播、...