Discover the epitome of luxury and charm in Newport beach, a coastal haven known or its world-class food, picturesque shoreline, and tranquil bay waters. From the iconic Newport Pier to the renowned Balboa Island, go where the good life calls from sunrise to sunset. HAUTE...
🏠2023年建,5B5B➕LOFT,室内4248尺,占地7020尺,Asking:799.9万🌞坐南朝北好朝向,阳光房!🏠全新建筑,品质高端!5间卧室全部是套房,全屋橡木地板!高端厨房,加州房半封闭式,头顶有天窗,可以作为阳光房!后院有大泳池🛣地段也很好,安静位置,旁边有高尔夫球场,公园,篮球场,7分钟到Fashion Island 2天前·美国...
🏖️🎠🛍️ 逛完沙滩,我们来到了Fashion Island。这里不仅有LV和Chanel的精品店,还有Neiman Marcus的折扣大牌,比SCP的百货店还要丰富。收获满满!💼👜📚 Food Court旁边还有一家大型书店,这次没时间去逛了,留待下周末再来探索。Newport Beach,一个让人流连忘返的地方!🌟0 8 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态...
新港滩 (Newport Beach) 是加州橙县中部海滩上一个富足的城市,人口约八万六千人,其中白人占绝大多数、亚裔其次。该市成立於1906年,总面积为53平方英里(137平方公里),其中陆地约占45%。 新港滩本地房产专家孙斯陶介绍,Newport Beach的气候如同地中海型,拥有绵延六英里的美丽海岸线,成为许多人向往的海滨渡假胜地。新...
Fashion Island, Orange County’s premier shopping center, features world-class shopping and restaurants. 401 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA.
Balboa Island Travel 加州尔湾 Balboa Island 位于尔湾靠近海边的内陆岛屿 Newport Beach边的人工岛非常适合一日游 一年四季的海滨之旅都可以安排上! PART 01 观鲸之旅🐳 可以观赏到海峡内的海豚和鲸鱼 2个小时的时间来一次和大海的亲密接触吧! 看一看在海里成群结队, 自由遨游的海豚们 ...
新港滩市内共有七个区, 分别为科罗娜黛儿玛(Corona del Mar),巴博亚岛(Balboa Island),巴博亚半岛(Balboa Peninsula),新港海滨(Newport Coast),圣哈金山庄(San Joaquin Hills),圣塔安娜高地(Santa Ana Heights)和西新港(West Newport)。 由于有巴博亚半岛作为天然的屏障,新港滩湾内海面平静、空气清新、拥有宜人的...
Fashion Island, Orange County’s premier shopping center, features world-class shopping and restaurants. 401 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA.
Best Things to Do in Newport Beach - Experience the best of Newport Beach, California! Enjoy unbelievable views with dining cruises and private events on the water.
Fashion Island, Orange County’s premier shopping center, features world-class shopping and restaurants. 401 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA.