Changes in memory, concentration and motor skills are common in advanced HIV-infected patients. HIV-associated dementia is characterized by subcortical dysfunction, attention-concentration impairment, depressive symptoms, and impaired psychomotor symptoms [10]. Cognitive decline in AIDS can also be attribute...
Understanding co-morbid depression is of clinical importance, as depressed HIV-infected patients have lower rates of initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART)[5]and medication adherence,[6–11]though the latter is not consistently reproduced in all studies.[2,12]Even when controlling for adherence ...
Objective Prompt identification of newly HIV-infected persons, particularly those who are most at risk of extended high viremia (EHV), allows important clinical and transmission prevention benefits. We sought to determine whether EHV could be predicted during early HIV infection (EHI) from clinical, ...
The association between Depression (CES-D scale) as dependent variable and socio-demographic factors was analyzed though an independent t-test and a one-way ANOVA, because these factors are ...
Brain lesions in HIV infected patients usually lead to an extensive list of differential diagnosis. In life saving situations, empirical therapy will determine patient evolution, despit its side effects. The great challenge in this patient after controlling the symptoms was deciding which treatment could...
(Sobel z =-3.44,p < 0.001) anticipated stigma, and depressive symptoms (Sobel z =-2.80,p = 0.005). Overall, compared to young people diagnosed with HIV before the pandemic, young people diagnosed during the pandemic reported higher self-esteem and lower anticipated stigma, an effect...
Rituximab combined with liposomal doxorubicin (R-Dox) in HIV-infected patients with severe Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV) associated multice... Background MCD is characterized by inflammatory symptoms, splenomegaly, adenopathy, hypoalbuminemia, hyponatremia, and cytopenias. MCD in HIV-in...
uninfected tissues. The conjugation of the antifungal agent to the antibody is vital as a prospect in topical therapy and will add advantage because it will minimize the risk of systemic side effects. The information provided in this manuscript can be imperative in pharmacological application, at ...
No testing was done on his sister, but it is highly likely that she also was infected with H5N1. Neither child presented with respiratory symptoms, and the sister never had respiratory disease. Both had had significant exposure to ducks and chickens. Avian influenza virus strains have the ...
We did not collect HIV status of the interviewed participants, hence a possibility of misclassification of non-TB symptoms as those of TB, with consequent unrealistically long periods of delay (several years). Our findings may only be applied to the factors studied, for this study did not ...