Supporting newly-appointed judgesPompeu Casanovas RomeuPoblet, MartaCasellas, NúriaContreras, JesusBenjamins, V. RichardBlazquez, Mercedes
Newly Appointed Acting Judges to the ACT Supreme Court AnnouncedNeedham, Matthew
Wall, Martin
Casanovas, Poblet, Casellas, Contreras, Benjamins y Blazquez, 'Supporting newly-appointed judges: a legal knowledge management case study' (2005), Journal of Knowledge Management (Numero especial sobre SEKT Technologies), vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 7-27....
Casanovas P, Poblet M, Casellas N, Contreras J, Benjamins V R, Blazquez M (2005) Supporting newly-appointed judges: a legal knowledge management case study. Journal of Knowledge Management 9(5): 7-27.CASANOVAS, P.; POBLET, M.; CASELLAS, N. CONTRERAS, J.; BENJAMINS, R.; BLAZQUEZ...
New York Law Journal Highlights Federal Bar Council Reception for Day Pitney Alumni and Other Newly Appointed JudgesWhitakerG. Warren
Lemus. Iuriservice: An intelligent frequently asked questions system to assist newly appointed judges. In V.R. Benjamins, P. Casanovas, A. Gangemi, and B. Selic, editors, Law and the Semantic Web, LNCS, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005. Springer....
Blankenship, Gary