I jump into this quite old topic because I found the same issue while trying to use libc (instead of libc_nano) in a project of ours. While it is true that the USB SRAM is, by default, mapped to a Device memory (and, as such, does not support unaligned access), the LPC55s69 ...
newlib-nano 1.0 . Contribute to 32bitmicro/newlib-nano-1.0 development by creating an account on GitHub.
#ifdef CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC _impure_ptr = &_current->base.k_reent; #endif Member stephanosio Dec 19, 2019 Note that arch_swap is only used for co-operative task switching. When a task is preempted, this function is not called. _impure_ptr should be updated in z_arm_pendsv, whi...
* The Red Hat newlib C Library - libc 2.2.0 - December 2014 * EWL C Reference Manual - Document Number: CWEWLCREF Rev 10.x, 02/2014 * EWL C++ Library Reference - Document Number: CWEWLCPPREF Rev 10.x, 02/2014 Can you please comment on the following questions? 1. Can you comment...
Breadcrumbs newlib-nano-1.0 /newlib /libc /sys /arm / syscalls.cTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 673 lines (573 loc) · 14.1 KB Raw /* Support files for GNU libc. Files in the system namespace go here. Files in the C namespace (ie those that do not start with an unders...
# Otherwise we need to link to a multilib version of libc compiled with PSRAM workaround. rom_linker_script("newlib-funcs") if(NOT CONFIG_SDK_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_TIME_WIDE_64_BITS) # If SDK_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_TIME_WIDE_64_BITS option is defined # then all time functions from the ROM memo...
Format of the time string is described in [libc documentation](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/TZ-Variable.html). Next, call `tzset` to update C library runtime data for the new time zone. Once these steps are done, `localtime` function will return correct local ...