If elected, I’d oppose the demolition of council housing schemes that residents love, such as the Carpenters Estate, and work with local residents to resist evictions. I’d push to make sure that any new development offers a majority of social and genuinely affordable housing as standard. Tra...
Council–planning,privatesectorhousing,trading standards,businessrates,foodsafety,property services,internalaudit •IncludingexternalpartnerssuchasUKBA,HMRC, NationalMinimumWage Slide4 Objectives •Sendsaclearmessagetoresidentsand businessesaboutpro-activeregulation ...
Recent utility bill or council tax bill (not a mobile phone bill) Tenancy agreement or Housing Association rent card for your current address Inland Revenue tax demand or self assessment statement If you are acting on behalf of a Corporation you must provide evidence of the due incorporation of...