1992. Environmental influences on the recruitment of Newfoundland/Labrador cod. Fish. Ocean- ogr. 1: 39-56.Helbig J., G . Mertz, and P . Pepin 1992 . Environmental influences on the recruitment of Newfoundland/Labrador cod . Fish . Oceanogr., 1 : 39-56....
Dr. Kristopher Luscombe, president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, also emphasized that doctor shortages are provincewide. The province announced last July it would offer more money to doctors in rural emergency rooms, and Luscombe said the effort was an indicato...
Recruitment correlations are an important determinant of stock boundaries, and in this paper, we investigate these correlations between American plaice stocks/components in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 2J3KLMNOPs. Currently, American plaice in 2J3K are managed as part...
Recruitment in the Barents Sea, Icelandic, and Eastern Newfoundland/Labrador capelin (Mallotus villosus) stocks. Progress in Oceanography.Carscadden, J.E., Gjosaeter, H., Vilhjalmsson, H., 2013b. Recruitment in the Barents Sea, Icelandic and eastern Newfoundland/Labrador capelin (Mallotus ...
recruitmentNewfoundlandandLabradorBEATON M and WALSH J. Nursing Inquiry 2010: 17: 173–183 Overseas recruitment: experiences of nurses immigrating to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1949–2004MarilynMemorialBeatonMemorialJeanetteMemorialWalshMemorialWiley
Spatial synchronicity in recruitment was examined for Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) in the Newfoundland and southern Labrador (NL) and Flemish Cap regions. Recruitment was estimated using a cohort strength model for survey indices of abundance at pre-exploitation ages, and spatio-temporal covariation...
, our group has started to implement the road map for our current and future public engagement activities.#We present key cancer-related topics that are of public interest and issues and opportunities for recruitment and delivery of knowledge and events to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. ...