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with the newest Driver there are some new Probs in MW2. Performance Dropped 8.8% (!!!) in Avarage AND Low 1st ! Sometimes you ll have to switch between XeSS options and apply, to even get it Working properly in Game. Everytime when an MP Round starts,...
... reboot did not help. still gives the issue, with the hook disabled. ... it seems like the old version of the screen capture program works fine, without making error messages. its possible that the issue is in some new and buggy technique that has been implemented at large. its als...
I am trying to DJ using nothing but my computer, a pair of speakers, headphones and a UCA222 Behinringer USB soundcard but I can't seem to configure them properly. So, the UCA222 is plugged into one of the USB ports on my PC, my headph...
SonarLint on Intellij: Unsupported class file major version 61 while using Java 11 I was trying to connect SonarLint to my project and when I try to analyze any file, the following error return: Unable to create symbol table for : /Users/Documents/ java.lang... java inte...
Can't use trained model on older version of ML-agents from Unity I'm training with my old Unity project but I've encountered several problems: I'm able to do the training and generate .nn file, but whenever I put the file into the brain, it shows error message ... ...
I just sent the assassin recruits on a normal quest, but now, it shows this impossibly large number (ending in e+17) for all of my twelve recruits: Is this a known bug? And if so, can I fix this? I ... ps3 assassins-creed-brotherhood ...
Not shown: 65532 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http nginx 1.16.1 6498/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) 65524/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.43 ((Ubuntu)) Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel ...
# The version of opensdk is tagged as ${YearMonthDay}. If the user-specified # ${YearMonthDay} is earlier than 20230820, please use the original link below: # REPO_HOST="" # REPO_TYPE="CANN_daily_y2b" REPO_HOST="https://ascend-cann...
print(sklearn.\_\_version\_\_) 运行该脚本将输出的 scikit-learn 版本。 在构建模型的过程中使用了随机性。这意味着每次在相同的数据上运行该算法时,都会产生一个略有不同的模型。 当使用具有随机学习算法的机器学习算法时,通过在多次运行或重复交叉验证中平均其性能来评估它们是很好的做法。在拟合最终模型时,...