期待已久的 Linux Mint 21 操作系统已经发布,这是一个 LTS 版本 (长期支持),将得到支持和更新,直到 2027 年。Vanessa 是 Linux Mint 21 的发行名称,它基于 Ubuntu 22.04,带有三种不同的桌面环境,如 Cinnamon, Mate 和 Xfce。 Linux Mint 21 的系统要求 2 GB RAM or more 20 GB free hard disk space ...
Just wanted to add my report that the latest version fails to find networks with my TP-Link Nano USB AC600 Archer T2U but using a fresh clone and switching to 63cf0b4 has it working. Other than that, this is already the best, fastest and most stable of the 3 drivers I've used so...
Hello, I recently used the PMCA console tool to crack the language restrictions. I have used zadig to change the driver. I can also see libusb win32 in the device manager, but when I use cmd to enter pmca-console serviceshell, it prompts...
https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=32491 Bug ID: 32491 Summary: [2.44 Regression] ld-elf/compress.exp test failures on arm-linux-gnueabi* Product: binutils Version: 2.44 (HEAD) Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: ld Assignee: unassigned at sourceware dot org ...
GitLab CI 是GitLab内置的进行持续集成的工具,只需要在仓库根目录下创建.gitlab-ci.yml 文件,并配置GitLab Runner;每次提交的时候,gitlab将自动识别到.gi...
EPD_python_launch_skeleton.sh current version Sep 30, 2013 README.md Update README.md Jan 7, 2023 Sample_Portfolio_Import.csv added xls sample import to the portfolio page Nov 16, 2018 Sample_Portfolio_Import.xls added xls sample import to the portfolio page Nov 16, 2018 config.py many ...
but might not work with other older or newer versions, if HP performs backwards-incompatible changes in the protocol (like TI does): * "SDKV0.30" firmware version from mid-August 2013; * "SDKV0.32" build 5447 firmware version from late November 2013; * partial success with the V0.031.603...