Fruit Ninja: the old mobile fruit-slicing game comes back in VR with swords, and even though I was ready to hate it, the damn thing charmed me. It's Beat Saber with fruit. Bogo:Oculus' free virtual pet game was one of the first demos I ever tried with Quest. Petting the alien cri...
Beat Saber:The starting point, and maybe your finishing point, for fitness in VR. It's music-rhythm light saber dancing, and you need to try it. Beat Saber is not only fantastic and perfectly tuned to lightning-quick reflexes, but it's also where most of your VR friends are most likel...
由于SteamVR 1.26版本后更改了手柄绑定方案,并且Beat Saber 1.29.4版本有OpenVR切换到OpenXR,所以在最新的串流助手V 9.5.6版本的手柄绑定方案不兼容Beat S… 阅读全文 Beatsaber自制谱面曲包分享—第9期 lin向上人生路 在上一期文章里我分享了我自制的谱面曲包是Katie Sky--Monsters,难度是hard,相信各位小伙...